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以「反華」似乎正成為保守黨上下的主旋律。早前保守黨的前總理哈帕(Stephen Harper)接受美國一個名為American Optimist的Podcast節目訪問時,表示加拿大在香港的自治不斷被摧毀下,應該選擇承認台灣為「獨立實體」,又提到如果現在身為總理,定會敦促盟友對中國作出強硬回應。這些表態,都反映保守黨在對華問題上,和自由黨的主要分野所在。



Green Tea

At this point, no country can afford NOT to take a strong stand against China. It is simply political rhetoric to say that Conservative is the only party to stand against CCP. Did Trudeau not resist the hostage diplomacy to release Meng? There were politicians in all parties (including Conservatives) signing a letter to ask Trudeau to let Meng go. They said “the time is past due for Canada to halt Meng’s extradition process in order to get the two Michaels released.” Trudeau was right to say that "releasing Meng to free Kovrig and Spavor would endanger Canadians abroad”. Also, did Trudeau not put in new immigration measures to support HK residents? Yes, Trudeau deserved to be criticized in a lot of things and he did not have a strong stand against CCP in the beginning, but neither did Trump. Likely a lot of people already forgot how Stephen Harper reversed his stand against chasing “the almighty dollar” in China, and visited China twice in pursuit of boosting trade in 2009. Well, perhaps a better strategy is to look at the track record of what the party/ politician done besides paying attention to their talks.