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在美國大學任教的朋友許田波教授和Dr Maggie Shum進行這項研究已經一段日子,探討在美港人的跨國聯繫,希望在美國的香港人幫忙填填問卷。當離散香港人成為大學研究的顯學,一切都變得有可能。以下是來自研究的資訊:

//Hong Kong Americans - please click the link below and fill out this survey!


在美港人的聲音/Hong Kong Voices in the US

這問卷調查由美國聖母大學Dr. Maggie Shum 和 Victoria Hui Tin-bor許田波教授主理。此學術研究建基於去年10月有關投票取態的調查,今次我們希望進一步探討在美港人的跨國聯繫 (transnational ties)。我們所收集的數據只作集體統計用途,研究員和公眾均完全無法知悉閣下的身分。

This project is led by Dr. Maggie Shum and Prof. Victoria Hui at the University of Notre Dame. Building on our previous survey on voting preference conducted in October 2020, the current survey aims to gauge Hong Kong Americans' transnational ties. Respondent identity is anonymous both to us and to the public.

We want to hear from you! 我們希望聽到你的聲音! //






Expired ;_; WHAT WILL HAPPEN DURING THE SURVEY? This survey will ask about your views of politics in Hong Kong and in the U.S. and some basic demographic questions. The survey will take about 20 minutes. Respondent identity is anonymous both to us and to the public. You may choose not to take part in the study or leave at any time during the survey. The survey is open until 11:59pm EST on August 7, 2021.