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在參議院,目前是48:48,剩下一席Georgia需要重選,其他三席暫時點票都是共和黨佔優,有可能是51:48,保住控制權【註1】。這裏面有不少指標性的勝利,例如特朗普的盟友Lindsey Graham,任內充滿爭議,民調被看地一線,也連任成功;緬因州的Susan Collins在民調全線落後,也成功連任,成為參議院共和黨的最資深女議員。

在眾議院,民主黨應該可以繼續掌控,但優勢大幅度收窄,共和黨新當選人也比從前多元,包括新增了十多名女眾議員,而且包括不少特朗普扶植的明日之星,例如曾分享QAnon觀點的Georgia新任眾議員 Marjorie Taylor Greene。目前比例是207:190,另外13席民主黨佔先,假如最終是220:214,稍有差池,控制就會逆轉。




【註1】假如Georgia 另一席參議院選舉沒有候選人得票超過50%,即使共和黨候選人佔先,也將於1月進行重選。


Alex Ip

What Professor Shen said is unfortunately inaccurate. BOTH Georgia seats will go to runoffs while the race in Alaska is not called. So far, it's very likely that Republicans get 50 seats, and Dems get 48 before runoffs, where they can control the Senate if they win both seats


民主黨既自由主義(女權、LGBTQ、種族平權等等)絕對有可選之處。關鍵係佢哋控唔控制到呢啲主義走向極端化。 我絕對相信呢啲係社會以至文明走向進步既鎖匙,但民主黨似乎欠缺一個領袖去帶領成個黨以致國家

Wendy Lam

Hi Alex I did see that both Senate seats in GA run off so does it mean we won't know for sure which party will win the Senate until January 5th? Thanks!!😊


民主黨來講 Pete Buttigerg, Elizabeth Warran 都好有 potential (AOC 好似未夠35歲) 但歷練同戰鬥力依家睇比唔上 Pence, Pompeo 或者Ted Cruz

Alex Ip

Stacey Abrams is one such rising star. Look at her story! She helped flip Georgia!

Chi Sang Wong

未到一月 我也不會覺得 特朗普 已經輸左 他一路披荊斬棘 四年 真的不想一個 咁既人 輸

Eric lin



其實睇美國選民投票都覺得佢地係成熟嘅體制。唔鐘意侵所以情願要拜登呢個無咁爛嘅橙,但就喺國會選舉投番共和黨,保持番check and balance

Wendy Lam

我都非常心噏,但有時事與願違。 我只望共和黨保住Senate. 🙏🙏 亦只希望拜登捱到四年,唯有當過Obama嘅日子過四年囉,但如果比個Harris 上,就仲慘!😩😩 其實,社會撕裂绝不是侵侵導致,根本一早已發生,佢只係見到個現像,出嚟為非建出制人士發聲!


I believe if Biden wins the presidential election, the two runoff elections in Georgia will go to GOP. There is a high desire to have check and balanced US but purely speculation here.

salt water


Yu Yu

演算法+初選制度令到兩黨更加兩極化,拜登而唔係桑德斯或者華倫出選,算係反映民主黨已經相對溫和咗,過多幾屆可能係Antifa vs QAnon😹


GOP has become the multicultural, multiracial party that we all think Dems should be. For the Dems, they have been out of touch with the working class. I will let Andrew Yang said what he observed: https://twitter.com/zachandmattshow/status/1324518032719433728?s=21. “in their minds the Democratic party..has taken..this role of..urban elites..more concerned about policing..cultural issues than improving their way of life that has been declining for years.”



Wendy Lam


Gary Lee

Trump 的破也很撤底。傳媒公信力、郵局公信力,以至政府選舉的整個 trust system 也正在崩潰中。老實講我由始至終都唔鐘意 Trump,就係由於佢果種只破不立。但比起由九十年代尾到 Trump 上台之前,果種兩黨政治(等同江派習派都係共產黨一樣)、精英主義,無可否認為美國政治注入新生命。直到今屆,民主黨仍然走在舊路,若果唔係 2020 疫情和 BLM 兩隻黑天鵝同時出現令 Trump 弱點完全暴露,Trump 連任機會極大。如果民主黨再唔改革,唔改路線,只靠政治明星,將會有排輸。 民主黨要俾人耳目一新嘅感覺,好簡單,唔換 Pompeo,包保所有美國共和黨 fans,以至港台愛侵力,國際社會都會見到美國新一頁。

Wendy Lam

你完全否定侵侵過去四年所做的?你要Pompeo 佢就一定會做? 民主黨嘅問題多的是,其實社會撕裂,佢哋都好大責任。

Yu Yu

Btw, 關於pompeo,其實之前都有d傳言係就算trump繼續做,都有機會換人,就算trump連任,國防外交系統係咪仲係而家咁真係難講,至少國防部果位基本上無得留低

Chan Wai Bun



Simon probably not aware there are many middle age leaders in Democratic party, California governor Newsom and NY governor Cuomo. Newson endorses a middle of the road ideology (except LGBT issue) as America is still a middle leaning right society. Actually Harris is leaning the middle too, her record as an Attorney General here in California has been questioned by the left. Don't listen to those attacks from the Republicans, they branded every democrat as socialist because it is an easy sell to their base and some independents who havn't done their research.


That is partly true, but the hardship (or declining living standard) of the working class was mainly due to globalization, which was endorsed by Republicans (and big businesses). This solution is not high tariffs or populism. The factories who reap big profits by outsourcing will not come back, high tariffs will only make them moving to other countries like Vietnam or India. The main problem of globalization is making the riches richer and the poor poorer as illustrated by our rising Gini coefficient, ultimately it becomes a distribution of wealth issue. Republican solution of populism can't solve it except creating more division among Americans. Andrew Yang's proposal of guaranteed income maybe a right step, but the right will brand it as the toxic word "socialism" again. It becomes a hard sell in America today, even Biden can be labelled as a socialist in Florida.


how long have you lived in CA? I have been here 30+ years. If you believe Newson and Harris are middle, then I must respectfully disagree. Just look at the numbers of people relying on the welfare system in the 80s vs today., how it was when Regan was running CA vs since the Regan time...


he tried to build wall along the US/mexico border. It is not racist. he is protecting the US labor. basic supply and demand. If there is less illegal immigrants, the labor rate will go up. This benefits the everyday folks. and hurt business owners.

Eric lin

It is hard question. Americans is taking advantage from those immigrants; farming , house building , and cleaning. Not many people will take those jobs. Without them , many people pay with high price .


One thing to consider: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_option “In November 2013, Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid used the nuclear option to eliminate the 60-vote rule on executive branch nominations and federal judicial appointments.” Only those two can be passed by 51 votes majority. So fillibuster 拉布, etc likely will not be overturned: Gridlock for now.