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特朗普對郵寄選票非常不滿,自然有他的策略計算。但不管他怎樣計算,郵寄選票 Vs 實體投票的影響,確是一個值得討論的問題,因為不少潛規則會隨之改變。


1.  在實體投票站,每人投票都是秘密的,沒有人知道你投了誰。但在郵寄投票,很難控制你投票的過程,有沒有其他人知道。例如在老人院,姑娘可以公然建議老人家投票,連掌心雷也省卻;在大型企業,也可以像「撐國安法簽名」那樣動員職員投票,而職員為了表忠,可能主動亮票,令其他拒絕透露投給誰的同事顯得「心有鬼」。美國重視個人私隱,也不容易完全杜絕這類可能性,何況(新)香港?

2. 美國的郵寄投票,要求投票人在其中一個信封簽名,配合官方給予的bar code,令核實簽名成了一大爭議:即使是銀行,要核實簽名也是專門學問,各地核實標準也可能鬆緊不一。美國一些州份開始讓機器核實,但不能排除很多人不經常簽名,會被機器無故判斷為廢票。假如判斷過分寬鬆,同一地址的人很容易代其他人冒簽投票;假如過分嚴格,則可能令很多人變相失去投票權。假如在香港,冒認老人家簽名、使用其個人票的案例,恐怕不少。

3. 傳統選舉需要在同一天進行,是因為要確保有一個劃一時間表。須知同一個候選人的支持度在一個星期之間,已經可以大不同。有了「投票日」,各方都會舉行造勢晚會拉票,希望靠朋輩效應催出新票源,也會部署一些最後關頭的殺著;但郵寄選票則會把投票time-frame大幅度拉長,變相令選舉模糊了關鍵日期,選民的投票基準更多是長期印象,選舉的短期行為會失去相對價值。由於人類普遍「討厭政治」,沒有了大型亮麗拉票,依然郵寄投票的,更多是已經被政治啟蒙的一群,卻不容易催出新票源。放了在香港,要是沒有激烈的選舉辯論,很多人根本不知道誰是候選人,對沒有強烈傾向的,就可能失去投票意欲。

4. 郵寄過程中,難免出現失誤。即使是我們平日寄信、寄包裹,也有失誤的經驗,雖然比例通常很低,但在關鍵時刻,就變得關鍵。而且這是把不可逆抗力對選舉的影響,由選民是否投票的責任,轉移成郵政服務能否達標的責任:以香港回歸後第一屆立法會選舉為例,當日超級誇張的傾盆大雨,但投票率創新高,大雨下是否投票,就是選民的決定;但假如變成郵寄,因為天氣原因延誤,又會出現爭議。

同樣情況,更會發生在早晚會出現的電子投票身上,這是另一課題,不贅。問題是疫情之下,無論哪種contingency plan,都不會是零爭議。至於爭議點的影響有多大,怎樣儘量杜絕漏洞,只能是政府的責任。但政府或傳統建制失去絕對公信力,自然任何爭議,都會徹底撕裂社會。香港如是,看來美國亦如是。






Tak Wong



Prof Shen, thank you for your always excellent writing, I do feel your kindness and your own intellectual humbleness and nuance may not serve some subsets of your readers well. It is indeed true that since voting is handled by states, there has been issues for as long as people can remember. But as it relates to absentee/mail in ballots, there is just no empirical evidence to support any type of the "theories" that's out there in the US. in fact as you know, Oregon is entirely vote by mail and has been for some time. I think your point is especially important in how politically aware the general population is, the shenanigans that can and have happened in HK is not translatable to US as far as we have evidence for thus far. Since even other opinion journalists rely on your analysis, this is something that may dismay a lot of your readers but would be critically important in the conversation. Just my thoughts.



Eric lin

特朗普在末選前已經話defund postal service。 經國會委員會討論,郵政局保正可以處理所有選票。之於特朗普提七點後郵寄選票作廢。但每年四月十五郵寄交稅,亦以郵戳日期為準。所以不合邏輯


如果俾人由大陸郵寄投票,仲多左個好處- 唔會俾內地人見到香港人有選舉

miuying yu

若如 張崑陽 帖子以「行政效率」所致而合理化了,相信將不會有任何修正和改善。 不明白為何不去堵塞,不能確保選票的合法性,選舉又有什麼意思? 明白特朗普為何反對 郵寄投票, 此舉是保障所有候選人。

Chan Wai Bun





我覺得一旦郵寄選票過多時,會出現原則性同系統性問題,但各州都沒有處理,到當日也處理不好。 你們既解釋就像08年雷曼倒閉前,每一個人都話CDS沒有問題。問題重點是你們沒有考慮過大過多的情況下,可能發生的事。


To give a local data point: I'm an overseas Clark County, Nevada voter. 1) Any US citizen from anywhere in the world can vote thru mail ballot. Therefore the early proposal from HK govt to give special voting avenue for HKers living in Greater Bay Area makes no sense. Either all or no overseas. 2) Some states like Nevada already accept email ballot. But definitely not a perfect process: a) Nevada supposedly sent a mail ballot this year to everyone. I never received one even though I checked my overseas address many times. b) It took me filling in 3 online forms/ emails to finally get a response from someone about getting my ballot. c) The process is very manual - I actually emailed back and forth with someone at the local county 2-3 times before I finally received my electronic ballot. I still need to fill it in, print it out, sign it manually, scan it, and email it back! d) Privacy - because I chose email, I had to sign away my rights to anonymous vote.


Thru all this, I found that I'm very tolerant of the sometimes slow and cumbersome process because I do trust the system. As cliche as it sounds, democracy is messy because you don't just blindly let one person dictate everything. Checks and balances are messy. But people's trust in the system makes them patient and tolerant of this messiness.


真的沒有留意到郵遞投郵其實真的很有問題!尤其是在保密及防止種票方面!!! 香港的話⋯諗起都恐怖!老人院、中資公司⋯⋯

Christie Leung

Which era do you live in? Postal vote is very common, I had an American colleague who voted for Hilary Clinton back in 2008 when she worked in Republic of Ireland. I myself always use postal vote. Postal vote (and in the future digital vote) has been going on for years, why questioning it now? Because you don't like the results (which to be honest isn't that great for Democrats anyway). Claiming you fight for democracy but turn against the system when the results do not suit you? Democracy is not just a ballot paper, it relies on active participation of educated public. The US has just shown us how miserably it can fail.