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喬治亞州有16張選舉人票,假如共和黨失守,除了對士氣是極大打擊,勝出之路,更會非常崎嶇。但這類依然有民調的死穴問題:要是黑人、高學歷白人都不好意思說支持特朗普,最終得出的結果,就可能不能以民調作準。Bradley Effect 是否依然成立,很快就知道。


Alex Ip

I am currently studying in Georgia. I follow politics closely so I can see trends that are not really reported in HKG. Ask me anything!


Could you give us some colors on the trend in Georgia now?

Alex Ip

So most election handicappers are putting Georgia as a "Tossup" or "Leans D" (D for Democrats). The big issue is that Georgia has seen an influx of many younger, more liberal, more diverse voters from Northern cities, so the demographics are becoming more advantageous for Biden. People who have voted before 2020 election day is about 95% of the 2016 vote so the turnout will be super high. Georgia has a history of voter suppression and very conservative, religious voters, so this will make the race close. I myself think Biden will win by around 1%


Thanks Alex! Some commentators mentioned Texas sharing similar thing in the way that people have been moving into TX to avoid the high tax rates in other Dems states. Dems can use this tactics to turn those red states into light blue in the long run!? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Alex Ip

Texas does have lower tax rates, but the main reasons why people move there is because there are a lot of job opportunities, nicer weather, and Black voters "coming home" closer to where their ancestors lived. So I don't think taxes are an issue with younger voters. Most of them are not millionaires anyway, but are generally supportive of raising taxes on billionaires

salt water


Wendy Lam

@Alex Ip:  I don't know why my comments disappeared so I have to put it down here.  I just thought people need to understand the responsibility of virus control is more on the states. In fact I found the main issues in America are the people themselves.  A lot of people including Hispanics who just don't follow the guidelines no matter what.  It is the culture.  Regarding the racism and police brutality issues I do not see a connection to Trump as in fact a lot of theses problems take place in those Dems managed states.  Anyway thank you again for your honest opinion.  I just can't stand Dems. I used to vote for them for so many years and finally woke up this year.  'This is just my personal feelings.  I know there is no way we can turn CA red but I just used my vote to vote for the one I believe in.  I will just say God Bless America!❤️🙏🇺🇸

Jenny Tung

Thank you those based US to share first hand insights! Appreciate 💕

Brian Chan

Georgia have a lot of big companies, CNN, Coca-Cola, these are mainly Democrats supporters. Only option is to get the Black to vote.