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如果是真的「印鈔」派發(helicopter money),像美國現在因應疫情在做的,那是對一般消費物價有推動作用的。美國在這疫情階段如果無咁做,應該已經進入通縮。


而且「印鈔」一說其實非常誤導,量化寬鬆絕對不是印鈔,而是放寬信貸。而放寬信貸是必然要通過資產價格膨脹,才能夠trickle down至一般人手上,再刺激消費。因為信貸仲係有規律嘅,呢啲資產嘅價格除咗信貸創造嘅流動性走向外,佢本身都係要有回報。好似房地產,租金收入就係佢本身應該有嘅回報,如果個回報率已經超低,淨係靠資產價格上升嚟創造收入,咁嗰個就肯定係泡沫,係龐氏騙局。



Aaron Ho

全球化量寬(即印鈔), 最終的結果(亦是最不好的結果)= Stagflation


Simplifying the covid crisis from an economic perspective, this is a typical (and significant) demand shock. If this is relatively short-term assuming vaccine will be ready in 1y to 2y, QE or “printing money” is the certainly the right policy move, and should help revive the economy on a stand alone basis. The market seems to agree with such view and effectively pricing in a V-shape recovery. Unfortunately, this crisis can not be isolated on its own. The real (financial) problem the world facing is that we are towards the end of an 80/100 years debt cycle. We were supposed to be deleveraging from the debt we built up from 2008 and before, but we were actually leveraging up even more because of Covid! This combining with the widening wealth/income gap, polarising politics and Thucydidles trap means that we are certainly in for a ride!