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在一個正常社會,音樂訴說社會百態正常不過,無須有禁歌的概念,只要有思考的空間。不少西方家傳戶曉的作品,其實都有多重含意。家中女兒近日從幼稚園學到的經典老歌《Puff the Magic Dragon》,就是一例。

這首歌來自民歌組合Peter Paul and Mary,時為1962年,來自當時一名中學生的新詩,本來是說一頭名叫「Puff」的魔龍長生不老,玩伴小男孩長大後再也不理牠,就這樣孤獨下去,反映成長的無奈。但此曲流行後,普遍被當時青年解讀為吸毒歌:「Magic Dragon」是俗語的大麻,「Puff」就是吸入,於是「Puff the Magic Dragon」意譯成為「追龍」,從此成為中文理解的「隊草」。


時至今日,那一代人曾經滄海,不少成了社會賢達,信仰也變成新保守主義者,但提起年少輕狂的歲月,還是充滿嚮往。Peter Paul and Mary作為形象健康的民歌組合,多番強調這不是吸毒歌,但諷刺的是,這首代表作得以名垂青史,卻似是受惠於潛意識解讀。

到了2020年,全球青年跨地域、無疆界,又出現了針對全球化的大覺醒,隱隱然是六十年代火紅年代的翻版。觀乎今日全球民情,「Puff the Magic Dragon」的意義,卻可能被三次創作,是否禁歌,就要自行意會了。



Jenny Tung (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-02 18:53:07 Thanks Prof. Shen. I can’t help searching the song & found this 1965 live version - https://youtu.be/z15pxWUXvLY - pretty cool indeed 😊
2020-07-10 09:55:41 Thanks Prof. Shen. I can’t help searching the song & found this 1965 live version - https://youtu.be/z15pxWUXvLY - pretty cool indeed 😊

Thanks Prof. Shen. I can’t help searching the song & found this 1965 live version - https://youtu.be/z15pxWUXvLY - pretty cool indeed 😊


By Bob Richard from YouTube comments: Jackie has grown up now, he has a little boy. He searched his trunk of long lost stuff, and found his favorite toy. He put back all the scales, that fell like drops of rain. Puff, the mighty dragon again roared out his name. He climbed into his cave, and jumped out Christmas day. Puff that mighty dragon had found someone to play. Noble Kings and princes, would bow again this day, for Puff the mighty dragon, was back again to stay. Repeat chorus with gusto