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Hey y'all!

Since we've added a few systems, they all need to be sure to work on the JAMMA CGA Pandora DX / KOA, too.  

As we have less pixels, things can get a little ugly.  If the resolution isn't dead on, we will hit a lot of screen tearing.  SF3 looks gorgeous, whilst Metal Slug will become unplayable.

This is why we decided to leave bilinear filtering on if CGA mode is detected.   For finer pixels, you will still be able to change options in the configuration file.

HDMI / VGA will have this blur filtering off as default when Pandory is installed- so no worries guys-  it'll look awesome!

We've added a switch in the configs to rotate the games by changing only one value.  Now even on the DX or CGA version of the KOA2, we can have TATE mode!  - And for dedicated cabs, rotating horizontal games- such as Metal Slug is also on the cards.

When adding the new systems, some complications can arise.  Controllers may not work, so much time is taken in (blindly) editing configuration files on Notepad++  (totally recommend to grab this free tool!)  Most systems are good to go, but still Atari 800 is acting up, as is the Atari ST (Player 2).  We hope to get this sorted before the release...

This morning, I woke up to a message from Dajoho: "all seems to be working as intended" - with a link to an Alpha version of Pandory.  Tried it on the DX Special MicroSD... Failed.  As we've now entered the build phase, we'll be looking at a new release very soon.

Anyways, just thought we'd keep you guys up to date with the progress... 

As Retro Game Corps says...

"Happy Gaming"

EmuChicken & Dajoho



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