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Boldcast is ready to read me a bedtime story


The final scene of the straw hats showing the back of there hands with the X mark, to signify that vivi are eternal comrads is one of the more iconic moments in one piece.


That good bye scene with Vivi never fails to make me so emotional. They love each other so much. Ugh I love Vivi and Karoo :’)


First time I shed real tears during One Piece. Can never get enough of this scene.


Not me balling over Vivi's goodbye every time I watch it. Dammit Carson you had one job! Remembering the X! THE X! 🤣 Oh well. Them holding their arm up in the air is an iconic moment in the series. Not sure if you guys are familiar with Reddit's r/place thing where communities draw art, where everyone can place 1 pixel of colour every minute and communities fight each other for space. The One Piece community always goes pretty hard with it, and you can see the crew holding their arms up on there in the bottom left, above the French flag. OP is huge in France so the French community gave a spot to One Piece and protected it 😂 fun times. Here's the image if you wanna see it: https://image-cdn.hypb.st/https%3A%2F%2Fhypebeast.com%2Fimage%2F2022%2F04%2Freddit-r-place-april-fools-day-social-experiment-info-001.jpg?cbr=1&q=90


Such an amazing beautiful moment the speech and send off for Vivi. I instantly bought a shirt of it.

Nicolas LeBlanc

You are forgiven colourful shirt man


Oh come my way!



Jack Shadow

I remember how long long time ago when this episode was released, people made a theory that X means also Tenth, that could mean that Vivi will rejoin Straw Hats in future and join crew. This is not the spoiler just one of the craziest predictions that people made a long long time ago. So I just decided to share this theory.


One of if not the most iconic scenes in the series, but it so heartwarming. Leaving Vivi behind really feels like leaving a sibling behind. Also, shoutout to Bon Clay for his stance, he was a real one.


bon-chan....forever in our hearts <3333 i love him. non-binary king♥