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Nik Jovan

I think what Chaka(the royal guard dude) means by the King's words becoming blurred isn't just that he is under stress, but the fact that he just found out that the King supposedly did all this crazy shit in Nanohana. It put doubts in his head. Also, the King could have been controlled or a fake when he and Pell talked to him. So it's a tough situation and he made a bad decision.

Meme Team!

i always took it as he doesnt know if he should trust the kings words after what he heard the "king" did


"This is so dark, I love it", that will age perfectly and I'm so here for it lmao. The way Koza was going back and forth still even after everything that happened really sells his position in this whole conflict. This is the first arc where the conflict is so great that the Straw Hats don't appear to be even remotely that important for the scope of it. The world is moving separately outside of their "goal" and they just happened to be here at the perfect time to get involved in it all. About the guy who seemingly forgot what the king said, it's more likely that what what the king said is "blurry" because the whole sudden king raid on Nanohana is really shaking his trust in the king even as loyal as he is.


I didn't rewatch the Alabasta arc for a long time and now I see certain new things. Also, One Piece gets very dark (Manga can get even darker due to anime censoring), and unlike Fullmetal and its deep philosophical ideas, One Piece touches very real everyday problems of our world. Now thinking about it, every media I have ever consumed, One Piece must be the best at balancing comedy and goofy ass moments with very dark narratives.


my favorite moment in this arc is crocodile saying "protect alabasta, protect alabasta, protect alabasta" the VA , the meaning of it. it just show how smart and dangerous crocodile is


Your ok to watch the ENDING, it is a Vivi centric ending. Nothing spoiled


The manga has always been dark, though occasionally hidden well.