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Jack Shadow

This episode is filler episode till litteraly few minutes in the end, case Ace should departed long ago

Briana Roop

What's nice about the filler in One Piece is a lot of it is really nice and cute self-contained stories. I need to watch the movies at some point too.


Pretty much a filler lol accept for the part when ace gave luffy that paper and left. But the good news is no more filler/canon episodes you have to worry about for a very long time. Ep 103 your back at the main story. In reality the desert trek to Yuba is much faster in the manga.


The thing about the filler episodes is that they advance a lil bit slower 😭 (in the main story)


Did someone give you an episode's filler list or is it a website? If yes, do you mind sharing it? pls

Martin Hagen

https://www.animefillerlist.com/shows/one-piece I used this one while watching


I wonder if Ace being able to sense Luffy and Scorpion before Chopper could smell them was intentional.


Agreed. When I originally watched Alabasta, my one critique of the arc was that they spent way too much time in the journey to Yuba, especially with what happens next in the story because I was unaware of the fillers. But then when I rewatched it skipping over the fillers, the pacing is sooo much better.

Adri Garrido

In the manga, Ace leaves before they go into the desert, but actually I'm glad the anime decided to spend a little more time with him.

ivan reyes

Has anyone mention to skip future intros since they have major spoilers. Especially the one when the arc is about to end. Also they are 101 ep in while I'm waiting for ep 1090 this Saturday


I agree with that, love Ace being present longer but I also find Ace feels a little out of character in that section. Feels like Oda would've had more goofball interactions or him taking the spotlight more if it was canon. But then I skipped the parts which are complete fillers because I find those annoying, so maybe he shines more in those.


Oda really had to get Ace away from the spawn point lmao. The "paper scrap" part was the only canon bit of the episode, in the Manga he dipped away as soon as they went into the desert. About the ships, Oda only cares about the sea-faring ones. And for the better.


The struggle of waiting weekly for the chapter and the episode is real


Yeah imo Ace seems a little off and quite sus in some of these filler scenes, though I'd imagine this was prolly due to the anime team neither having any reference material on his character nor coordinating with Oda (like they will end up doing quite often further down the line) because f.e. in ep95 Ace also says something that later turns out to be completely wrong (iykyk) Still enjoyed him sticking around tho, despite the slower pacing, etc. & I didn't even notice it was filler on first time watch tbf


Me watching 1970's super robot shows. These fillers are nothing to me lol. But not everyone has the tolerence to watch them i understand.


Oh I agree with you. Ace's personality doesn't fit with him just standing back quietly like he does here, but I probably had no clue it was a filler the first time around. I don't remember exactly at which point I started reading the manga mainly and the anime more as a secondary medium, but it was probably a few beats later (and its just been so long... *creak groan wobble*) I'm pretty sure I feel like this about it now because of hindsight and having a better understanding of the character more than anything.