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Richie the Lion

Chopper was taken to Katarea, town near port. Not Yuba.


Congratulations on reaching Episode 100.


100 yay, it's been fun!


Koza is such a good character. Having him be the leader of the rebel army instead of some random guy who has no personal connection to Vivi does so much to make you care about the conflict of this arc


OP really nails it with the way it builds up its conflicts and keeps you guessing. But what I love most is how it's often not just about good guys vs. bad guys. There's a lot of gray area, and many characters are super nuanced & undergo changes. It's not your typical black-and-white story, and that's part of what makes it so cool imo. It's also amazing at changing your perspectives on characters in really surprising ways as it develops.


Not sure if yall are past this point in the show already, but in case not, I would recommend yall watch the last minute of 101 as it is an important canon scene.

Povlo Vlastela

You need to watch last part of episode 101 becouse its canon


Love Alabasta man. Koza is such a likable character and his whole relationship with Vivi makes the whole rebel leader deal have some personal crumbs albeit politically motivated. Also, be sure to watch episode 101 from minute 20:38 to the end of the episode, it's a very important canon bit.


I forgot how good Alabasta arc is, its not even in my top 5 One Piece arc


When I watched the Live Action I was thinking they could easily finish Alabasta in season 2, but now that I've rewatched a lot of this stuff with you guys and some other reactors, I really hope they save Alabasta for season 3. There is just way too much in this arc that makes it good and I don't think they can make it work in 2-3 episodes at the end of the season. I hope they end on Chopper's arc and make that an absolute banger, and save Alabasta and maybe the start of the following arc for S3

Nicolas LeBlanc

Chopper and Alabasta are doable... but it will require some longer episodes or maybe 10 instead of 8 for pacing. I trust the show runner and a 15-20 year fan that has worked in film * Do Not search youtube or you will be spoiled *Randy Troy is a new writer. This is like his dream.


I thought it was the capitol because it rained more there not that it rained more there because of crocodile