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Richie the Lion

Warlords are basically real life privateers. Unless they attack civilians and government they can do whatever they want.

Nicolas LeBlanc

Cloudseeding is real. I think they used it prior to Beijing Olympics https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_seeding#:~:text=The%20most%20common%20chemicals%20used,gas%2C%20has%20also%20been%20used.


It's amazing how much additional anime content, even if lore interwoven, manages to make luffy and others look worse than they are -.- Edit: yohsaku explained the warlords to luffy and sanji en route to arlong park. He mentioned jimbey


Sanji had a field day picking up clothes for Nami and Vivi, the bastard. It was Yosaku who mentioned Jimbei in the Anime (as opposed to Arlong in the live-action) when he was explaining to the Strawhats how Arlong has connections. For someone who's very obsessed with money, Nami sure does generate a lot of revenue from merchandise, I guess no wonder they keep growing.


Yosaku to Sanji & Luffy on the little dinghy on their way to Arlong Park: "There's a reason the Grand Line is called the Pirates Graveyard! It's cause of the three great powers that rule those waters. One of those powers is the 7 Warlords of the Sea! Seven government-recognized pirate leaders. The 7 Warlords of the Sea inhabit wild regions, and unlicensed pirates are easy targets for their marauding. The government allows the 7 Warlords to raid the seas in return for a cut of their haul. [...] *proceeds to mention Mihawk & Jimbei* "


Certainly so, especially considering that in our world, there was a time period known as the Golden Age of Piracy, during which privateers (pirates recognized by governments) played a crucial role, with pirates, such as Blackbeard, making a name for themselves.


Notice art quality is starting to improve little by little and were starting to get even smoother animation.


Just from this one EP, Poverty, an uprising, a revolution, war, politics, corruption, just some of the themes you will be exploring in this arc. Finally, a one-piece story that isn’t just a children’s adventure. One piece is starting to mature :)


If I remember correctly most of this episode is filler but the annoying kind where it does have important stuff in it


yeah it only adapted 5 pages (when it's usually 15+), half the shit was just anime canon


BTW, the part of Luffy and the old dude it's filler and the part of Chopper lost it's also filler.


I wouldn't take for face value everything that is in this episode and some of the upcoming ones when it comes to character/lore building. Be mindful that there's a part of it which is just anime shenanigans (for instance Luffy going miles in the desert instead of beelining a food place, pretty sure that part with Chopper having a mini solo adventure while Sanji shops too but correct me if I'm wrong). Sadly some of the stuff does make sense so it's hard to skip what's just been added for comic relief/fluff without missing actual useful information. That added section does introduce the powder for instance which is an actual thing. It does tend to exaggerate the character's traits like making Luffy look like even more of an idiot but there are some sections which are entertaining at least. Just take it all with a grain of salt whenever you can see lots of weirdly paced goofing around. Regarding knowledge you should have about Warlords: By the start of the Alabasta arc, you have some basic information about the Shichibukai or Seven Warlords of the Sea mainly from two sources: Yosaku (Zoro's bounty hunter acquaintance) and Vivi. Their actual role and relationship with the government at this point may not be very clear but they are officially sanctioned by the World Government who find it more advantageous to have them as allies. In exchange for the government pardoning their past crimes, the Shichibukai agreed to support the government's efforts when called upon. You should know that they are a group of powerful pirates and that some people in the OP world with average knowledge appear to be decently informed about their existence. I'm fairly certain that you're supposed to know the number of existing Warlords (translation dependant), if not it would be easily guessed if you know Japanese numbers a little, with it being part of their name. Mihawk, introduced during the Baratie arc, is known as the "World's Greatest Swordsman," and Jimbei is mentioned as another member. Crocodile is introduced as a third Shichibukai during the Whisky Peak part by Vivi. Happy New Year!


I feel like if you never read the manga you would not know that though since the anime canon did contribute to the world building and overal adventure of the story. Often times I think manga readers get blinded by pacing and 1:1 ratio adaptations, that their perception of the story is some what scewed. That is pretty much the truth, i been watching anime for 20+ years and from my experiences, fans that don't identify what is canon and what isn't, is able to clear their minds and provide a more accurate assessment at face value in terms of what is more entertaining and what adds to the show's value.


Oh yeah trust me I have only watched the anime up to 900-ish and I rarely noticed when something was anime-canon (that Arabasta f.e. had quite a few of, now checking the filler list). It's just now on rewatch that it seemed odd to me how both Luffy & Chopper took a detour and ended up at the same place they were before within 1 episode but I don't mind it since it actually adds sumn to the overall story arc here.


For recent OP fans, but the new Ending theme for the new anime arc starting on jan 7th is titled "Dear sunrise" by Maki Otsuki. The same person that sang "memories" for the very first ending theme song in the series.