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We're acutally ahead on OP and FB, so there won't be posts today for either.

One Piece: We accidentally forgot to post to youtube for one day while we were on break, so that means that Patreon has been an extra epsiode ahead for about a week. So we won't post today to get back to what was promised.

Fruits Basket: In the last post, I said that the next post will be on Jan 4th, but I was wrong, 18 was actually supposed to go up today, so the next ep will be posted on tuesday. We already have up to 22 recorded, so it’s just a matter of time.

(I just realized there’s no early edit posted for fb right now 🫠 I’ll do that first thing when I wake up, and get the next one done for Tuesday as well)

Other News: We're gonna get ahead on OP & FB a bit more for the rest of the week, and then we'll be starting another show or two, probably by the start of this next week, so look forward to that!

Happy new year everyone!



I absolutely love One Piece, and it's been one of my favorite series for over a decade. However, strangely enough, when I see the letters "OP" in your posts, my mind immediately jumps to anime opening reactions instead. I first discovered BOLDcast on YouTube through anime opening + ending song reactions (starting with the Gintama openings video), so maybe that's why? Receiving your Patreon notifications about "OP" these past few months have brought me a lot of nostalgia (both as a One Piece fan... and as a consumer of anime music). 🤣 Happy 2024 guys!


The youtube people don’t pay to be ahead, that’s what this patreon is supposed to be? And somehow we are ahead so you leave us without post for a week? Doesn’t look good.