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I'm posting all of these right now for three reasons:
1. As a holiday thank you for all of you FB fans for putting up with all the scrambling and constant  delays

2. Patreon's Scheduler keeps messing up for some reason

3. As a promise that we still love the show, and that our (my) future reactions won't be completely negative, and that we're still down with the show and that the videos going forward can still be good.

18 is supposed to be posted on Jan 2nd, so you/re getting a taste of next month, so the next oen will be posted on Jan 4th. But yeah I just wanted to give you a batch early as a thank you. Also, we already have 19 & 20 recorded, and ready to go up, but I don't want to dip too far into teh future, so I'll save those until they're supposed to go up. Then, after a short breather over the holiday, we can get back and (hopefully) stick to a normal schedule. We're super ahead on one piece, we've finished scott pilgrim, we're close to being done 86, so that all should give us a good foothold going into next year to stay on top of everything and keep consistent. If you've noticed, one piece has be posted very regularly on time the past week, so that should be a good omen, and we still got a lot ahead of us!

So happy holidays to all and to all a good night!
Hope to see you FB fans along the ride for the future eps


BOLDcast FruitsBasket S2E18 UNCUT REACTION


David Butt

There’s definitely a thing in this series about traditional gender roles, you’re not reaching at all it’s one of those things that this show reinforces a bunch, not in every relationship but a lot of them.


Merry Christmas guys! Thank you for the gift. Very very good discussion guys and I can't wait for you to go further in the story!


Thanks for all these episodes! Thank you for a great year of reactions, take a little time for yourselves during the holidays! Thank you also to your OnePiece editor for all his help :) Happy Christmas!


Ohhh boy, I really want to talk about Shigure but I fear I would spoil things so I wait eagerly for some future episodes. I remember reading the manga as a teen while the story was ongoing just caring about Tohru and Kyo ending together and now I think there is so much stories in Fruits Basket that are more impactful and important than shipping wars XD But you know, it’s also a part of being a teenage girl XD I’m just glad to be able to revisit this story occasionally and always discover new wonderful things about it.


Isuzu’s episode always makes me so sad, and I always give props to her VA. Her performance when her PTSD kicks in when Tohru appears is always heart wrenching but so real(?)raw(?) whenever I rewatch :’[


There's so much I want to say to your discussion in this eps but I really have to bite my tongue. Shigure being described as asexual is um..... Also for Akito hating women, he definitely hates Rin the most among the zodiacs and a reason why his reaction was most extreme (compared to when Hatori was accidentally hurt for example). There are a few more crucial pieces for you to get the complete picture. I'm just really looking forward to when you get there. I'll just point out that despite what Shigure says about himself, it's very telling that everyone views him as the person closest to Akito. And it does seem like he has some influence, including in eps 14 when he was able to get Yuki to move out.


I understand your comparison with Kyo's encounter with Akito although I don't agree with it about him being frozen to be out of character. He is aggressive and can be physical and reject Akito in some ways but he deep down blames himself for what happened and agrees with Akito that he deserves what he has even though he tries to fight those thoughts, he is still a traumatized kid being manipulated and gaslighted. I do agree that with Rin this gets more explicit and even more direct since it is fast, and they use a lot of justa-position with her past situation and trauma to emphasize Akito's words to her cutting deep and causing her to panic. Your point about Shigure being "past-love, past-fear" is really interesting. He is a very peculiar character that you will only understand the motivations fully in the future but he has shown he does have his secrets, his plan and he is somewhat lonely but also, he has a good sense of how people's emotions can be used to his benefit. He has been testing the waters with a lot of the characters thus far and it is interesting to see where this is going, specially what is his plan and his connection with Akito and Tohru. I actually appreciate the comments about the gender role and feminine role in this story. It does have a few examples of that but I personally never interpreted the usage of the housewife / cooking / taking care that Tohru does as being used to represent the ideal feminine role in the author's eye. To me, it represents the way of demostrating love through acts of service. She does that with everyone she knows and it is a big part of how she was when her mother was still around. She used to cook and take care of the house while her mother was working and it was her way of showing her care and love and that never changed. I really liked your view of her contra-pointing Akito's by being a very stereotypical feminine role model when Akito hates women and what feminine represents (as shown thus far). It makes sense, it fits the "balance" that this show presents constantly. Also, I like to think that it also represents the importance of having people that care and comforts and will show love, against the reject, the abuse and the judgement. Also, I absolutely loved the discussion in this. All the points brought about the possibility of Akito's upbringing being messy, comparison with Yuki's and the rest of the zodiac as well, trying to see the author's point of view etc are super nice. Also, yes, Shisho is just amazing. One of the best parents in this show. He should have a daycare but would need a proper cook to not starve the children ahah Sorry about the long comment, I was just excited haha Thanks for this marathon! Happy New Year :)