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Really love the sudden backstory drop on Dorry and Broggy's original feud. As for what Dorry couldn't remember, it was that specific reason that started their 100-year fight. Really love the time on the ship. Nami's role as a navigator goes beyond merely following the direction indicated by the compass. Unlike the Straw Hat crew, who might seem clueless at times, a skilled navigator must contend with challenges such as cyclones and sea storms. Therefore, possessing fundamental navigational abilities to interpret and react to these situations is essential. Her expertise in reading weather patterns and making crucial decisions during perilous situations ensures the safety and success of the crew's adventures. Her value to the team is not just in her technical skills, but also in her unique perspective and problem-solving abilities.


I always headcannoned this episode as a response from Oda, as to why the Grand Line's weather has not been as crazy for them so far, is because Nami's been making sure for them to dodge most of the shit like this cyclone, that one may encounter if you just travelled in a straight line...but yeah it is obviously also to give Nami more purpose than just stare at the Log Pose all day


The biggest one piece villain is that little girl lol she got two giants to fight for one hundred years without much effort lol


OR she became a certain 139 year old woman lol jk 😂


And she probably talked about it on her death bed in the most smug look possible.


It's rare that a villain wins in the end and she managed to get the last laugh in the end.


Nami indicated that the storm was not a normal storm. What if, this is Dragon at play again? hmm using the power of his wind and storm powers, to veer the going merry off course into a different direction knowing full well that the next island could have a doctor that might be able to help them. Sounds like its a potentual possibility?

Cameron B

You keep saying that nami's ability to sense weather conditions is new, but it isn't. In fact, in her very first canon appearance in the story when she steals the boat from buggy's crew, she gives an elaborate weather forecast of the storm that's going to show up and hit them, and is completely accurate. She also senses the storm at loguetown is coming before anyone sees it. This ability is established long before the log pose. It isn't a convenient response to a writing decision.


Hell yeah, im always that way and half of the things that I reach for actually come true. I never look at things at face value like alot of shonen fans do, I think of potentual improvisations or nuances of the story that could lead to a different result or outcome. I look at ahead and possible implications that could arrise based on early points in the narative. I think alot of the fans also know how oda is very ambigious with alot of the material he illustrates at given times, either intentional, or not intentional. All of these points is why one piece has an entire community dedicated to theory crafting unlike something like naruto. As many years as we have been reading OP, we should know by now the way oda operates. This man leaves nothing unturned. Hell at the end of it all, will even have an answer as to who build the gate where you enter the grandline. But if you can believe there are some casual readers that deny these things will come back into focus again and quite simply I can't comprehend why they think that way when its such an instrumental part of the world building.


I mean, Nami sensing weather changes was something that had been established all the way back in Buggy's arc when she fooled those three pirates out at sea.

Meme Team!

yea the weather thing is not new at all, not even foreshadowed, its literally her introduction with buggy and seen again in Logue town. She helps them avoid all the things that would of taken them out by now.