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These count together as one episode. And I included the footage for this video, but that is NOT the norm now, just did it since we're skipping around and such



The only way In is through the Reverse Mountain gates cause the Red Line (the giant red wall) is on both sides of the Reverse Mountain. It's between the Calm Belt and the Grand Line.

Cameron B

Murder doesn't count when it happens to filler characters apparently


Well we are glad you chose to watch 55 because other wise you would have missed the "calm belt" introduction and "Sea kings" which are two pretty big things in the OP world. Like we said before, you won't see this happen very often in OP. Trust me man its nothing like naruto lol.


The classic Nami brutally murdering the dude in cold hands. I guess she was raised by a Marine after all. I'm so excited that you guys got over the prologue at last, it will never slow down from now on.


My guy. You're not being as smart as you think you are by saying "OH LOOK!! FORESHADOWING!" You might as well be screaming "THIS WILL BE IMPORTANT IN THE FUTURE!!!" at Carson and Lindsey.


Edited out just in case, did I point it out way too obviously?


here after the edit but I think I have an idea what it was lmao with foreshadowing. which from here on out will be alot, best practice imo is to never bring it up as its happening (only in retrospect) since it destroys the whole point of the build up/reveal


Good way to cover it. Not the worst filler arc there are some very funny moments, but I had enough when I watched it the first time. Can't wait for 62