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We're almost on the other side of this rut!

We're sorry Fruits basket has taken a back seat hear the last few weeks, WE STILL REALLY VALUE YOU GUYS AND THE SHOW!!!

We know A lot of One piece is getting posted lately and its clogging the feed, but we're finally starting to find our groove and the posts should start to get scheduled from here on out. which should make things not feel as hectic and overwhelming if you're not here for One piece.

Tomorrow we're gonna watch at least 4 Frutis Basket, and post all of them asap (Should be here tuesday night at the latest, probably tomorrow night)

We're also gonna watch some one piece tomorrow as well and start getting a nice lead so that thing remain being posted on a set schedule at the same time every morning.

For edits: Tonight I'm sitting down to catch up on the final 2 eps of ʜᴜᴛɴᴇʀ x ʜᴜᴛɴᴇʀ, and invincible which will be posted to YT tomorrow. Fruits basket will be posted to YT on Tuesday, and either tonight or tomorrow, I'm gonna get the EDITS for FB back on track as well before the episode goes live on YT.

I don't want to make too many promises, but Next month is looking to be a lot better for us in terms of consistency. A lot of shows are going to be winding down toward the end of the year, and we'll be  traveling back to my family home for the holidays, so we're gonna have a bunch of stuff scheduled out ahead of time.

Invincible in on hiatus, and we plan on finishing watching Scott Pilgrim and 86 in the next week or so, and that should allow us to get a significant lead on the other shows we're doing before starting other things. Which works out, since we've still got Frieren and ᴊᴊᴋ cooking, that should give us some room in the week.

All in all, things are looking a lot better now and we're so close to just flying through a bunch of stuff and diversifying the content a bit more!



As a fan of all the shows you mentioned, I see this as an absolute win. Yet again, thank you very much for your transparency guys.


Any update on 86?