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Hello Orcs!

A few months ago we told you about a book we were working on. We are happy to tell you that it is finally finished...! All that's left is for the proofreader to check it before we can make it available on itch.io and Steam in a few days as a digital version.

This book is a mix of guide and Behind the scenes of the game. It was one of the promised rewards of Kickstarter and I had to create it anyway. While I had a lot of fun creating it, I'm glad it's finally finished (it's almost 200 pages long after all!). We hesitated for a long time to call it the "Dicktionnary", because the book actually contains the entire Dicktionnary. But we finally stuck to our original idea, with the title "Behind the (hot) scenes", because it better reflects the content of the book.  

Please note that the book will also be available from the Orc pledge on our Patreon in a few days. I hope you'll like it :)

On my side I will be able to resume the creation of the DLC which is now the last thing to be created for the Robin Morningwood Adventure license. 

See you soon!





Me too. It will go well in my library. lol

muzak killer

I see its out on itch.io when do we get sent our PDFs?


We've just posted it here. Sorry for the delay, we had some technical issues to fix.