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Hello Orcs !

I'm cuming to present you the first elements of the coming DLC.

A few changes

When I was writing the story, I decided to no longer make Beryllus and Klifford a couple, to have two completely separate stories. Klifford is now called Dunkan, and he is not a doctor but a masseur. I’m so sorry for the changes, but that's also the magic of pre-production.

The story of Beryllus

Some months after the events of Solitude Peak, a huge tournament is organized in Kronisos. This tournament is known for its atypical rules: you will be able to fight several characters at the same time in one battle. You will learn that the great organizer of this tournament is none other than the great and strong Beryllus, who hopes to meet the strongest man in Helgem, because only he will be worthy of him and his love!

The story of Dunkan

Dunkan is a bull who has been hired as a masseur at the "Happy ending". The Happy ending is an aquatic relaxation center that is located in Eden beach and was opened after the events of Solitude peak. Dunkan's dream is to become a famous rapper in the kingdom and being a masseur is just to pay his rent while he launches his career. In his story I also put a lot more emphasis on the orcs and woofians, because they are finally a bit neglected in the main story.

Poll result

As for the character that was to be voted in the previous poll, everyone should find something there: Dunkan can fuck gently or brutally depending on his client's desires. 

Break in development

I was a bit ahead of myself in thinking that a release of the DLC would be possible in December. Indeed, I still have some work to do, both in background creation and animation. But I also need to take a break from production because Chewy and I need it badly! So please know that we will be taking 3 weeks off in November, and that you will not be charged next month by Patreon (unless you subscribe for the first time during November).

I'm really sorry for this break which makes me weirdly guilty, but it will be something very beneficial because I'll be even more productive when I come back :)

See you soon!





I'm eager for this!


I love the new place and the new chars but I'm more excited about your vacation! You both really really need and deserve that, Enjoy it to the fullest and thank you both for your continuous dedication all these years! See you soon! ♥♥♥


Also, MLP characters when? ;P :D