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Hello Orcs!

I'm cuming to give you some news about the development of the demo!

A lot has happened in the last few weeks. Chewy and I have continued to learn the software Spine (Chewy has even become better than me...). I've finished writing the whole part of the game that takes place in the goblin district, which is the first chapter of the 8 the game will contain. We've hired 2 animators to do some animation tests and see if we can work together in the near future. Vliir has been able to continue working on the characters and assets, which are now ready to be animated. I've also made good progress on the game's UI.

Facial expressions

I asked Vliir to create the different faces for the characters, and it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be! Probably because I was too used to the simplicity of Robin Morningwood's faces. Either the characters' expressions were too cartoony (and they sometimes looked like they'd stepped out of an asylum!), or they weren't expressive enough.

I realised as I progressed that certain characters needed to have more or less pronounced expressions to go with their character. Gladio and Rogan, for example, are much more expressive than Hiro, given their extroverted nature. In the end, Vliir did a marvellous job!

Redesign of the first goblins

Vliir had to redraw the goblins because when I imported them into Spine I realised that the old goblins weren't in a position that allowed them to be animated properly. So we took the opportunity to redesign them.

The UI

My first attempt at the home page, but I'm going to take the time to do some more tests, as it's not really representative of the general atmosphere of the game. At first I thought the game would take place mainly in the sewers of Purge, but as I was writing I realised I was wrong.

The UI when you're on the world map. The menu on the left will allow you to navigate from district to district.

This is the menu that will appear before launching a game, allowing you to choose your recruits and see the enemies you're about to face.

Here's the menu that will appear when you go into Gladio's workshop to upgrade your recruits.

The instaframe

The instaframe is an object that you acquire at the start of the game, and that basically has the same functions as a smartphone but from future. Its design is still a work in progress, but I've made some progress on the UI.

This is when the instaframe is used to display information.

The instaframe menu, allowing you to access the gallery to you to masturbate 💦💦

Logo redesign

The more time goes by, the more I realise that the current logo looks very 'farming simulator', lol. What's more, the further I got into the UI and the writing, the less sense the orange I'd chosen made. I ended up taking the shape of the Purge ship and using it as a background against the sky colours of the main map.

In short, I tried to create something else. Tell me what you think of this new logo, should I keep it or not? 🙂

Next month I'll come and show you the result of the animations and what we were able to do on Spine, I'm so looking forward to it!

Take care 🙂




Grey Wolf

Cannot wait to see this in action!

Juliet Belcouleur

It's when i see these kind of updates that i truly realize how ambitious this project is. You guys are simply astonishing. I like the new logo. When letters pop out of the 'frame', it looks more alive.


It is absolutely crazy how absolutely head over heels I already am for this game


The new logo is gorgeous. Very sci-fi and evocative. Huge thumbs up from me. Everything else looks really good as well. Vliir has done incredible work with the expressions. One thing I was thinking (re the title page backdrop) could you not have it change as you progress through the game? So it’s reflective of the area you are at? I know quite a few games have done that in the past; it acts as a nice visual reminder of where you have progressed to but also means the title page isn’t quite as static


THIS IS AWESOME! I’m super excited for the future of this game and looking forward to new development posts! Can’t wait for the demo <3

Tim Guy

...So, I'm new to the Patreon, but can I just say how much I ❤ all of this~! 😍 ...Now, as far as the logo goes, any chance of seeing the new logo on the title screen? Because, right now, the old logo gives the title screen an overall warmer feel, colour-wise, whereas the new logo is probably gonna lean away from that and I wonder if it will fit as well with the existing title screen... 🤔

Tim Guy

...Though, I will add, that I think the new logo fits the UI, colour-wise, better than the old logo, IMHO 😅


I'm so excited for this

Lazy Pervert

New logo looks great!


Nice work love the new logo ^^


i love new logo


Keep it up. Can't wait to see more bits and pieces.


I really like the new logo and the overall map and UI work! I think the new logo does a better job at conveying the game's feel/brand. Also I like how cute the enemy types are <3 Maybe you could even add a bit of orange to the logo if you're planning to make it your call to action color. Just a few UI thoughts: I'm wondering if the active label/button showing the current location (in the screenshot it's Gladio's Workshop) wouldn't make more sense to be right under or close/next to the current district (Goblins) 🤔? I'm just thinkin in terms of UX visual hierarchy it can potentially be a bit confusing how the highlighted orange label is related to the light blue one. Maybe you could try out different layouts to see what works. I'm excited to see more!


You are right about positionning Gladio's workshop button closer from the Goblin's district button, thank you for noticing it! I'll do some test. The UI evolved a little bit, and we finally used the yellow color for the active/hover.