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Hello orcs ! Here's some news of the Bara Tower...

...After several months of consideration, our next game finally has a name: "Surviving Purge"! I never thought we'd have such a hard time finding a name for our future game, and it was Chewy who came up with the name!

I'd had a name in mind for several months: "Straight to Purge". But it was rather ironic to have the word "straight" in the name of a gay as hell game. Also, Vliir pointed out that if people read "Straight Purge" instead of "Straight to Purge", it could be misinterpreted... And he's absolutely right!

I mainly worked on 2 logo styles. In the end, we're going to keep the grungier version, which better represents the lower human district, and therefore the main characters' neighborhoods. The orange is for the rusty, post-apocalyptic feel, which represents the spirit of the game quite well.

I've also started working on the UI and choosing the fonts that will be used in the game! I'm pretty happy with the result 🙂

Purge's structure

Vliir has created the structure of the Purge ship! Divided into 7 branches, you can already see the goblin and superior human quarters. As the other quarters have not yet been created, we've put up clouds until they are done.

Character research

Vliir has also started work on new characters (and they're hot as fuck)!

Having the cast in advance is going to help me a lot in the construction of the romances and relationships between the characters, but also to have a global vision of the hot scenes we could integrate to make them as varied as possible throughout the game. I'll tell you more about each character in a future update. Thanks again to Vliir for his superb work!

From now on, I'll be working full time on the development of the Surviving Purge demo. See you soon for more news!

Take care :)




aidan stoker

do you think you would make more family content like you did with the twins in Robin Morningwood Adventure?


Yessss, I love all the new species and variants, everything is looking promising, tho with you guys on the case we always knew you'd nail it. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your amazing work.

Tim Guy

...Hmm... 🤔 ...Yup, I am so going to enjoy this~ 😘


WOW, this looks so cool! :O Who is going to work on what? How is the art-division going to be divided between you and Vliir?


The logo both versions look so good and it would be hard to choose between the two. At least for me. The text isn't hard to read. Those characters I would love to meet all of them, They have a pop to them that makes them stand out.