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The image I excerpted for the colors was one of my favorite drawings in the entire comic. I workshopped that manic face so so much.

(Page 30, digital roughs from Wilfrith and the Golem Stonemason)

I dunno what it is but I find drawing kissing to be so strangely difficult (really, I do know what it is: two figures interacting in a way that looks like they’re convincingly affecting each other is so difficult, but it feels like it shouldn’t be!).

I also probably didn’t need to, but used my model for the backgrounds here. I had a very specific vision for the angle of the pour spout for the water, after the archimedes screw had been removed and I wanted to be true to that reality. I ended up putting a speech bubble over it anyway, but you know what I drew it correctly.

(Page 30, digital inks from Wilfrith and the Golem Stonemason)

You can really see between the roughs and the inks how much I changed the interactions between the figures. The kiss isn’t just overlapping ghosts, Wilfrith’s penis interacts with his hand more convincingly. That sort of stuff keeps me up at night until I can solve it visually.


Color Excerpt - Wilfrith and the Golem Stonemason - 30
Page Roughs - Wilfrith and the Golem Stonemason - 30
Finished Lines - Wilfrith and the Golem Stonemason - 30


Captain JawZ

The smile on the sixth panel is so flirtatious, in a very "I've seen guys give me that look, and it makes me feel safe & intimate" kind of way. I am awful with words, but as I've told you before, what I enjoy about your work, is how life-like it gets.