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Oh this one’s actually kind of funny for me. Not for what’s on the page, but my roundabout process. I dropped a render of my bathroom 3D model into the first panel to give myself a canvas for designing the steam with the explicit intention of not inking the entire bathroom. But then you can see how I just ignored my own good intentions there, drew it anyway, and covered it all up again with steam in the colors.

(Page 26, digital roughs from Wilfrith and the Golem Stonemason)

This was Kapel’s big body reveal moment, so I wanted to give him a big windup before he could turn to show us/Wilfrith his body. Getting the shyness across with his face was a fun challenge, too.

(Page 26, digital inks from Wilfrith and the Golem Stonemason)

I actually also really loved that sheer robe thing that was only in two pages. I forgot to comment on Kapel’s wardrobe change for these two pages, but the whole thing was totally out of pocket. I designed both pieces right on the page, nervously hoping to match the look of his regular costume. I like the medieval grey sweatpants zone this ended up in too.


Colors Excerpt - Wilfrith and the Golem Stonemason - 26
Rough Linework - Wilfrith and the Golem Stonemason - 26
Finished Inks - Wilfrith and the Golem Stonemason - 26


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