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Gahh I have so may assignments and tests and quizzes going on.. plus all my volunteering hours (I'm doing 60h QQ) so yeah I just have a lot in my plate.. 

I'll be sending out the polaroids next weekend so you all know instead of wondering if I sent them out or not XD 

So Nyan will be paying me a visit at the end of the month and we have so many cute collabs ready! Yamashiro and Fuso from Azur Lane is one of them! 

I hope you all support our projects! The more successful they are the more we will be able to travel more often for more collaborations <3

For now I'll say bye to the interwebs for the night XD I spent all day writing research papers so I'm exhausted.. 

See you all tomorrow!



Debot Mekan

Eh? Volunteering 60 hrs?? Rest well, WanWan!


it's rough.. QQ specially cause it's basically internships with no pay.. //sighhhh


Ganbatte! Looking forward to the Azur Lane cosplays! ❤️




I love it