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Hey guys so I want to add a live chat with all of you once a month while I either play games or just roll in bed or something but I need you to help me decide a day and a time!

Vote which day of the weekend would be better and also leave as a comment what would be the best time for you in EST time zone since is the one that I use <3 


David Townsend

Either really works for me. I never know if I'll he home or not.


Either day would work but Sundays in the afternoon (2pm on) I’m almost always free

Dusty Chronicle

Either day, early times (before 2pm) works for me, after that I work


Either days really work and after 5pm would be great

Debot Mekan

Anytime after 6 PM works.


Saturday for me since your Sunday is my Monday and I'll be at work. Probably after 6-7pm


Sunday in the AM would probably work best for me, though Saturday morning or early afternoon would be OK too, I think.