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Around you, nothing but the gentle falling snow and moonlight accompanied by a soft breeze... It looks beautiful. Your own Sanctuary away from the world... a beautiful place for yourself... or- at least until you hear wings slowly descend behind you... Azeru has come...

= = =

The New Special Audio featuring Azeru x Listener is out now!

It's been a bit since I posted, so here we are! ( Also, fair warning, the Audio ends much different than all my other Audios! This is a "Lite" audio ^^;... Expect anything and everything!.... I hope you like it though q-q.... )

This time, we're featuring a very special character to me... or rather, should I say that I'm featuring myself! Yes, your Guardian Angel, Azeru has come!

Unlike all my previous Audios, the Azeru series will be a bit more focused on story vs the spicy aspects. Not to say there won't be any- but I would focus on creating a strong bond between you and me first and foremost. In other words- this series will most likely be the sweetest Audios I'll have!

Now, if you're curious as to what "Guardian Angel" means when I'm Fallen-... well... this series will be the prequel to the upcoming Visual Novel that I and perhaps a few others will be featured in! Of course, the VN won't be up until a long time ^^;... it takes a lot of hard work and investment to make one... But once it's up, it'll follow the Fallen Angel, Azeru!

Now, for the technical stuff, in this audio I did play around a lot more with SFX!... you'll see near the end... I apologize if it's too much! But aside from that I did work a lot harder on adding depth to this audio. Footsteps, rustling, etc in this audio also have a binaural effect on them~ It made editing take longer, but I genuinely cherish this Audio q-q....

Now, with all that out of the way, expect regular schedule to return soon as well as redeems as I acclimate to working on here full time! ^^

= = =

For those here on Patreon, as the audio said, the next Azeru Audio may be spicy~... so if you have any soft of... Dream... that you would like, please leave a comment down below!

You get to shape Azeru. Afterall, it's your Dreams. Of course, liking comments down below to support them also helps if you want something that's already commented! Or comment as well! 

Regardless, I look forward to how we shape this story together.

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel.




Would still absolutely adore seeing more audios in regards to the angel.


AHHH this was soooo cool! The sounds in the end! I loved every bit of it! Also.. Wait what???


The notification I was waiting for😌✨


Bring on the wholesum stuff fam 👌


Gotta go fast 🏃‍♀️💨


I've been waiting for this!! Yay! 🤩


I should say... the ending... The Dream was ending and not them being crushed qoq....


“I wonder when it will be relea-“ *notification* “WELL LOOK AT THAT!”

Cel Ishtar

Time to cry about this again and be heart pounding.


I can’t wait to listen to this 🥺💕 I’ve been looking forward to it!


I have been feeling so lonely lately and your audios always help me. Thank you so much!! The stories are engaging and the voice acting is phenomenal. Keep doing what your doing we are all so proud of you.


I LOVE idea you’re going for this this series. My “dream date” would be just to chill with this version of you at a coffee shop and just talk especially if it’s not all about the spicy stuff. if you’re taking the most common steps to become a “fallen angel” just getting to know each other and “falling in love” is important. After hearing the SFW version on YouTube last night I’ve been waiting all day for this! The depth of the sound when walking in the snow sounds perfectly realistic.


The dream ending’s cracking sounds have such a fantastic surrounded epic effect! Really feel that the wings are hugging the listener at that moment. And the spot light of waking up, being able to hear the voice again is so good<3 Look forward to the following stories:)


I loved this Azeru thank you!! Please do more


You really threw this one out of the ball park Azeru!! I felt so immersed into the story, the sounds, the feeling. Almost as if I were in my own Sanctuary when I closed my eyes. The ending was such a rollercoaster of emotions as the walls of the dream broke down.. Waking up saddened, only to wake up to the angel himself, in the flesh!! So happy! ❤ You have an incredible talent for story telling, and I cannot wait to see more of what's to come with Azeru~


Body worship in the future? (You mentioned to share ideas) I know that I’m not the only one who feels insecure about my body, and it might be sweet to have a tiny bit of body worship owo

Jadyn Ewing

*notification ping* Me: huh I wonder what it is- OOH my ears get to be ✨blessed✨ 🥺🥺 *flies to patreon*


Eeeel! Finally got to listen! This turned out so well and love the softer side! Way to precious and great🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️👌


I absolutely love it, the sfx at the end are perfect <3 Great work!


I cried even harder this time around 🤧❤️ luv the sound of the snow crunching and the wings unfolding


22:17 - the second 'i love you' when his voice cracks and he holds you tighter, I- ... IT BROKE ME

Tasia LaRouge

I agree with body worshipping

Tasia LaRouge

Ah! Maybe even a comfort audio, maybe something bad happened. Friends had a fight, maybe a bad break up, something that would put the mc in some sort of slump and Azeru would be the best pick me up with sweet compliments, maybe kisses, help them forget about it.

EA Gorman

Love the SFX of the crumbling snow/collapse of the dream world and awakening to that lovely surprise. ;) Idea for the next chapter/scene: Full body massage between the angel and the listener. SFX of oil and kneading, gentle music in the background, and of course the massage leading to --more--.

Cheeky Princess

I wonder why Azeru never whispers


and earlier today i was wondering when you’d post again~ The sound effects made everything feel so real, especially at the end! I am so invested now and want more Guardian Angel Azeru~

Jadyn Ewing

I can totally see something along the lines of: Tears running down the face at the fact Azeru is here. Y/N doesn’t know why they’re crying just the fact that seeing this being in the flesh brings so much joy and peace of mind. Walking up to him and touching his face to make sure he’s real. I could totally see the next audio starting as this or something like this.

Carolyn Mellon

All I can say Azeru is *chefs kiss* this was AMAZING! I loved it and cannot wait to see the journey that comes next


Ahaha~ A Coffee date you say? Hmmm~ And thank you for noticing q-q... I try my best to make my audios as realistic as possible!


Ahaha~ The Dream slowly falling apart was my favourite SFX so far... it felt powerful q-q


I'm glad it got you immersed Candy~ Ahaha! I'll keep doing my best to keep telling this beautiful story q-q


Azeru is definitely softer than most other audios I've done ^^ It's a bit of a palette cleanser no~?


Thank you q-q... that was one of my favourite parts, but I know it's also very different from everything I've done!


I- I genuinely try to get in character and try to feel emotions... hmm.. Method Acting? Ahaha~... I actually teared up a bit when saying some of the lines ^^;


Interesting! In fact, this is what this audio somewhat alludes to in the first few sentences~ Though, a more... direct way would be good too~!


My old microphone couldn't properly do it ^^ Of course, this new microphone can~... Also, it's difficult to move from whisper to voice acting in my opinion ^^ In one take, switching from one to another then back might make the voice different :<


Ahaha~ I apologize for my absence~! And yes, I plan to make more and more of Azeru ^^ I do hope he's well recieved outside of here as well!


Ahaha~ Truly a wonderful scene~ Perhaps I should do this~... though I do want to keep the Dream theme of Azeru audios ^^. To be honest, the last part was a spur-of-the-moment addition that a few in the discord wanted to hear- much like the post credit scenes of some movies!


At the end all I could think and say was I’m so afraid I’m going to forget you I I don’t want to forget you. This was a great audio though and I really hope we remember our guardian angel


The sounds, your voice, the potential in the story makes a writer like me sigh. Thank you for your hard work this is amazing. Looking forward to more.


Woah the sound affects at the end actually scared me but I really like them. They added an amazing touch to this audio 👌🤌


I was listening the youtube version last night and I wasn't in a good mood 😣 so in the first part I felt completely into the story. I felt sad but hearing your voice encouraged me a lot ^^ I was also curious to listen to "Azeru" as a character and I really loved it~ Great job as always~~!


The sound effects are amazing! Great audio, I loved it ^^


The genuine panic as the world started to crumble


Again I get so sad when the audios cut outttt 😭💔. I loved this one so much!!!!


I would like head pats! I don't know how well that translates into audio but I would love to see Azeru do head patting in some way. Thank you for your hard work, I think the sfx really add a lot in this audio. I really do like it, thank you


I did enjoy this very much 😇💖

Mandy May

The ending was really incredible with the sfx and then listener waking up. I'm excited to see where this character goes. Also I love the Azeru comics as well. He is so caring and sweet. 🖤🖤🖤


I loved it! I'd had such a bad day and I knew I was going to need it after dealing with everything so I had saved this for today and it was so worth it. Now I can go to sleep and have good dreams.


This one was wonderful, thank you!


I absolutely loved it! Been feeling down lately and this is the uplift I really needed, thank you so much, I can’t wait to hear more 💖


Wow - I have no words other than breathtaking. SFX spot on as usual. Wondering if Azeru would be able to take Listener flying in Sanctuary...as a pick me up in response to a rough patch irl.


I loved it! Sound effects are amazing🤩 Good job Az!


It was great as always! I can't wait to see the next part🥰🥰🥰


Ahaha~ I'm glad you look highly on this. I work hard on all my stories, and Azeru's is the Cream Of The Crop so-to-say~


I thought they gave a powerful and cinematic feel xD, I apologize if it made you jump!


I hope you're in a better mood now, Shiru quq... And no matter what, Azeru will always be by your side.. so I will!


It's relatively difficult to add in to the point most people understand what kind of SFX it is ^^. But I'll keep this in mind~


There's so many possibilities~! One day I would love to work on a Visual Novel featuring Azeru! ^^



Amaris Louvel

Amazing how much emotion this elicited within me. Like saying goodbye to a loved one. This was very well done. The sound effects , everything. I could feel the anxiety building up as the world crumbled apart, but the end was lovely in that it reminds you it wasn’t forever. Very well done Azeru. You’re brilliant!


Ooo~ I liked this audio very much. This was one My fav audio from you. That snow sounds was lovely and in here was snowing at day. 😊✨


"I can fulfill all of your deepest desires and know every detail of them." "Get me a grilled cheese sandwich. And a cup of tea with a splash of milk and two sugars." xD All jokes aside, you've upped your audio quality again! It's coming out really clean. Proud of you!


At the end of the audio, did he break the archangel's oath of not meeting the listener in person 😲

Kathy Mc

Man, that was so beautiful and lovely!! I felt like I was in a snow globe with the man of my dreams, daring to hope it was real. Your voice melts my heart and gives me shivers! I can't wait for the next part. The SFX were great. I felt all of it! You make me so warm and happy and loved!💖💖💖😘😘😘🌹🌹🌹


ohhh yep this is my new favorite audio :0 <3


😍 I love it♥️✨


we need this to continue <3

Wicked Dreamweaver

Azeru you simply take my breath away. I needed this more than I care to admit. Wonderfully done thank you for the time and effort you put forth in all your audios. If I may request a small fantasy.... a walk through an untouched forest, light harp song in the background, a little magic, a stream/waterfall/ hot spring perhaps, a hidden grove of wild flowers. ..anyways just this witches fantasy


Oooh, interesting. This is a beautiful scene you just gave... perhaps an elf character?... Hmm....~


The sound effects in this are just phenomenal! The way the snow crunches, how you can hear the strength in the wings, the way the world crackles like ice shelves breaking apart when you wake up. Even the subtle ones like the slide of skin when he grabs the listener's hand in the beginning. Just the intricacies of it all build the story, and that is incredible. Well done!

Amie Rich

I'm finally getting to listen to this one and I have to say, I didn't expect to get THIS invested. It was beautifully done. The use of binaural really hits superbly. I've loved your accent since I first heard one of your audios, and here it can really shine as you're being yourself with your natural voice and a character of your own design. I can't wait to hear more! I only realized in the comments that the ending was more of an after credits, non-canon ending. You literally managed to get me responding out loud in my car. "Wait, but you said... if you're here, then... then that means... is this the risk you were talking about? Did you decide to fall... after everything you said... that my dream was somewhere we could meet... without you breaking that vow...? Or did... had you fallen all along? Did you just... come into my dream so I would know you and not be afraid of you when I woke up...?" I was all aflutter and flustered and concerned and just... feels! I'm definitely looking forward to more, and more feels of... both types! When you had him breathing against the Listener's ear and kissing there and such, it brought literal shivers down my spine. Sublime. I adore that kind of play in an audio. The kind of thing that actually triggers the true ASMR reactions rather than just the "someone is doing naughty things" reactions... ^^;; It brings so much more immersion and makes the rest feel that much more real. An idea for the next audio if you're going to keep with the ethereal dream aspect and not have him actually fall yet: have the ending of this one still occur, and start the next audio with Azeru reassuring the Listener that no, he didn't fall, there's no need to panic, he just didn't expect their desire to stay with him to be so strong that they would essentially will themselves back to sleep after their alarm started to wake them. He didn't want the transition to be too jarring for them, so he took what he saw of the brief moment that they woke and shut off the alarm and recreated it to reassure them, but couldn't resist the urge to be WITH them either, so inserted himself. Especially since he was just so happy that they had fallen back asleep just because they wanted to stay with him that badly. A little more get-to-know-you softness, comfort and reassurance cuddles, then maybe leading into some soft, light intimacy moments. It's a slow burn, after all. Stoke that flame so when it does really get going, it's an inferno. ^_~


Yes I want to be with you ^ . ^

Hasta La Pasta

Cutie pie. You, sir, are an absolute cutie pie. o////o


Im typically a wallflower when it comes to posting comments, not because I don’t like the videos or appreciate the work that goes into them, ( I know it’s a lot of hard work) but because it’s the internet and I don’t want to stir something up (you just never know) This video though, made me become a patron. The detail that went into this with the story and the sfx is absolutely amazing and I can hardly wait for this story to continue. My favourite asmr. Ever, no question about it. Also, the Japanese segments that you have in your videos are awesome. You could read your grocery list in Japanese and I’d be happy lol. Not sure if you are going to make videos fully in Japanese in the future but I’d love if you gave it a bit of thought :) You’re doing a fantastic job Azeru! Make sure to stay safe!




Oh I liked the bittersweet end — it’s sjfjsjaj I cant my heart went bbbbrrrrrrr

Kitty Krystal

Oh my gosh.... So romantic and sensual at the same time. I love the more erotic stories also, but I was actually sad when her dream started falling apart. He didn't want to leave. I do want to hear more intimacy (A LOT) in the next story but I love the romance and the longing. Oh...I can't wait to hear the next! Please don't wait too long it's a new month!!!




Lol the first time listening to this I fell asleep due to the soothing voice 🤤

Andrea (Andibunny)

I am reduced to tears. I fought hard to not get emotional, but you touched a very vulnerable part of me here... this is truly a gift. This is healing & beautiful in so many ways.

Andrea (Andibunny)

This is so deeply special to me and by far my favorite of all the ones you’ve done. I am under this angel’s spell completely 😍🥺☺️💖


I've literally cried It's amazing. The ending I can't put word on my feelings right now 😭

Arcana (He Him)

I keep coming back to this one when I need grounding, when I'm feeling like a lost little boy in this big callous world despite approaching the big three-oh. I would really appreciate more audios with just our Guardian Angel. I love spice but my brain is craving the wholesome levels in this too.

Arcana (He Him)

'its the internet and I don't want to stir something up' This is exactly how I feel a lot of the time. I came out of my shell once in one community only for my confidence be obliterated when anti fans infiltrated and torn the community apart. It was heartbreaking and I didn't feel safe anymore. So yes, I'm back to my older timid self and then some. Best wishes to you


This audio is, without a doubt, one of my favorites. the character, storyline, tone and setting you set up is just phenomenal- it’s all so romantic, poetic, enticing, enchanting... and the sfx- the snow crunch?? the wings?? the crumbling?!? it all made me feel like I was truly transported to this dream sanctuary 🥺✨ my heart /hurt/ when his voice slightly wavered and as listeners dream started to crumble away, and then asking listener to not forget him? Ughh I want to know more- looking forward to this series/future vn! gl!

Kanisha James

geez you gave me those tickly tingles


This was so nice to listen to right before fully waking up. It felt like I was in limbo and I wasn't ready to open my eyes.


As someone who has a complicated religion,I enjoy this concept. I have a symbol of the archangel Raphael tattooed on my chest because he's the angel of physical and mental healing. When I'm struggling,I touch the symbol to keep myself grounded. And now that you're connecting with me,or the audience technically,it feels the same. 💙💜💙💜

Saya ka

Hi Azeru, it's my first comment! I just want you to know that I love this audio. I crave for other "Azeru the fallen angel" story ! please excuse my english I'm french 😅


My heart is so full after listening to this, thank you Azeru 💙


OMG!!! It’s the best audio. I love it soft and melancholy. ♥️♥️♥️


I was hungry but I don't think I am anymore

Steph Cullen

I-the *ending*!! THE FLIPPING ENDING!!! I DED!! Azzy, this was an absolute genius of a script!! You write these *so* incredibly well!!!


woot! wooooooot! amazing <3

Estrella Limon

I’m just gonna say: that was a fcking cool experience, I loved it ♥


*flails* omg so cool totally worth!!!


Azeru, This was breathtakingly beautiful and heartbreaking. I got so lost, so immersed in the moment that as my dream began to crack it felt like a piece of my heart was breaking away. His loving words, his touch melted me away into his arms. I felt his sorrow and longing as my own for him. With each crack my heart rate increased, a sense of panic took over as fearing losing him grew. My cheeks and ears flushed red as I tried to hold back tears. Yet they swelled in my eyes as the cracks came faster and more intense. Desperate to stay, holding his hand so tightly and trying to focus only on him so I never forget him. All while my dream..our reality…our world …crumbled around us and I felt him being torn from me. Hoping to remember his loving words & gentle kisses and hw they flooded my my heart with warmth. I found myself fearing forgetting him, losing him, his love and our memories. Asking myself what he meant .. is he THE MAN of ALL my dreams? Realizing all the moments here are indeed a dream, created by my own mind & imagination fulfilling all my fantasies. Remembering so many moments in those dreams when the men (characters) spoke the same words as Azeru. Has he been there all this time playing the characters I dream of? How will I know? I must remember him. BRILLIANT JOB! BRAVO!! (The end kinda confused me.. because after I woke I thought it was actually Azeru who spoke to me? Had he fallen? Was it real? Because there is a second audio & he is still in my dreams. ,, maybe I misunderstand the order?)


to be honest I was crying after listening this audio …q-q…idk why but it's really make me released pressures and just like what I said I am crying.that's unbelievable


I cried after listening to this its just to pure and sweet and. Sad 🥺❤️


Omg I cried 😔

Selendra Shaldreth

Okay, I meant for my first comment on your Patreon to be a simple compliment or thank-you, but instead I'm going to be SCREAMING about EMOTIONS on this and the other Guardian Angel audio. So please forgive me in advance. I swear I'll be more normal on other audios. This. Was. HEARTBREAKING. In the BEST possible way. First off, the snowflake and star metaphors for how fleeting (human) life and time can be makes it clear what Azeru's mind is on. Starting right off with that sets the tone of the whole audio to be kind of... melancholy and intense. It's gorgeous. And I love it because one of my favorite things about immortal or epically long-lived characters in general is the unique perspectives they have on humanity. It's like... viewing ourselves through their eyes makes us all feel more important despite being shorter-lived. You know? Secondly, the fact that Azeru compliments our Sanctuary right after saying it's our own creation is a huge compliment and I adore it. It's basically complimenting the Listener's mind, because we created the scene subconsciously. And hearing that a literal angel thinks our own imaginings are the most beautiful in Creation? Amazing. A+ flattery. Azeru is defintely smitten. THIRDLY (strap in there's more), you hit us with the fact that we've apparently had these sorts of discussions with Azeru before and don't remember him?? Wow welcome to heartbreak. I mean it's only 5 minutes into this audio and I am already incredibly attached, how dare you suggest that this poor angel is suffering because we keep being on guard whenever we see him for the "first" time. I want Azeru and the Listener to come up with some sort of code word somehow that Azeru can just say at the start of a dream so we don't have to go through the whole distrust thing every time. ; _; Fourthly, the way that Azeru says that Falling is a last resort *as long as he can talk to us another way* makes me want to steal him and enclose him in bubble wrap. Bad angel. I'm pretty sure Falling is no joke, so be more careful of yourself! Fifthly!! Oh god Azeru's so heart-wrenchingly sweet, it made tears come to my eyes. The genuine longing happiness in Azeru's voice when he's talking about being able speak to the Listener, and see us smile and laugh... even if we forget? That line about always being loyal? The line about us remembering how our hearts ached? A+ voice acting. And if that's A+ voice acting then... the emotion when Azeru confesses their love at 22:00? The pauses before he speaks, like he's psyching himself up to say it? Like he's trying to channel all that emotion into his voice? DAMN. S+ vocal work. Your audios have improved a ton since you recorded this. I've only listened to a few so far, but even I can tell that your SFX work has improved greatly since the start of the year. I'm sure there have been a million other sound quality optimizations that I'm not able to pick up on just yet. But... the quality here doesn't really matter to me. The emotion matters. I have no doubt this is going to stay in my favorites for a long time.


I don't even know what to say... This script.. The emotions in your voice... The SFX... I just... wow. It hurts. I am actively in pain. But somehow in a good way. Like as if this could have been a real dream. And I wanna go back. I don't want to leave him there, alone. You really are a master at your craft.


oh my, i really do like this guardian angel one! i've been looking for some wholesome audios and thank goodness i found this one. though i was kinda sad that he'll be gone in my sanctuary, but i love the twist at the end!! good job AAAAAAAAAAAAA

this is my favourite audio ever.. it felt so magical yet so real oh my god i love it so much aaaaa

Kytara Draco



Not me crying and internally screaming “I don’t want to forget!!”


*gah* My Heart~ T-T I really love this one, for basically the same reasons that people have made comments on. I really would *Love* to see more developed with his, and strangely, I would kinda like to see it from another guardian angel/angel's POV, not necessarily to rat Azeru out, but to ponder and have them opinionate about the mortals that they watch over or if angels just watch what we do to pass the time... It is an interesting thought...or even if Azeru spoke with the other angels, or have the listener be just a random angel, however, that is just the ramblings of a random Patreon supporter... ^.^ Thank you for this~