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Happy New Years!

I know it's a bit late for this, and I apologize, but I hope that 2021 is going to be a beautiful year for us all~!  With you by my side and me by yours' I swear that it will~

To be honest, 2020 was a rough, really rough. I never thought that it would end like it did. I was expecting a much rougher ride, but... here I am. Smiling... and that's thanks to you for sticking by me.

From here on out, I will be trying to get back on Schedule as the Holidays are over! Now it's time to go back to work! But, before that, I also wanted to finally properly announce this.

I'm full time voice actor now ^^;.... It's scary. To be honest. Very scary. I don't know what tomorrow will hold or if I can sustain this... but, I do hope I can. I thought that you should at least know that. And that I trully appreciate you supporting me like this. Ahaha... well, not to be too sappy, but that was the "Big Announcement" ^^;...

For all the Redeems that are in the works, please expect them all this month! Also expect me to be much more active on our Discord server for Patrons!

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




You're too cute. Still working yourself to the bone, but I hope it feels good. I'm late to the party but I'm not going anywhere. Congratulations on all you've accomplished!!


Congratulations on your shift to full time, what an exciting way to start 2021. All the best to you! 🎉


YOU GOT THIS AZZY ♡♡♡ happy new year!!❣


Congratulations! I’m really happy for you! ❤️ You deserve the world, all the best!


Congratulations Papi!!😍

Lynn 🌱

congratulations azeru! 💖💖


Congrats. I hope this all works out for you. 🖤

Kay Pagli

Congratulations Azeru!! We're all so proud of you! I hope 2021 is amazing for you x ❤️


Congratulations. What an amazing opportunity. Great way to start 2021. im reallyyyyy looking forward for another vampire audioooo🥳🥳❤❤❤ LOVE YOUUU


Congratulations on that big step! You'll be extremely successful and we all know it

EA Gorman

Best of luck in your new profession! Here's to a successful and happy 2021. :)


Aww best New Year's Call!!💜 Happy 2021, Azeru! New year, New you! New begins truly await~ I cannot wait to see what you create moving forward! Let's go through this year together and better than ever! * hugs *


Congrats Az! I'm so happy for u. U deserve this. ❤️

Mandy May

Congratulations! I'm very happy for you! You are the first person I ever wanted to support on patreon and it's because I believe you are extremely talented and you definitely deserve to have voice acting be your full time gig. We're all very proud of you. I can't wait to see where this opportunity takes you! ❤️❤️❤️

Cel Ishtar

I am so happy for you Azeru!!! T....T you deserve all the happiness and everything ever!!! I am here to support you always!!! You really are a hardworking man and geez getting all sappy now but whatever you always know what I say as I always tell you I’m discord anyway. I love you and can’t wait to see what happens ^^


Congrats man! Wish nothing but the best for you and dont fkin overwork! Am extremely happy for ya~


Happy new year for you too Azeru✨~ Stay healthy cuz I know this year would be better for you and everybody


Awww, thank you Azeru! Happy New Year to you as well! 2021 will be a better year moving forward! Be safe and be healthy and happy!

Remora's Jewel

That's big news, congrats Azeru!!! We'll continue to stick by you and support you through the new year ❤


Happy new year! AND WAHHH FULL TIME?!? WOWO IM EXCITED! BEST OF LUCK! And of COURSE I will stay will you until the end like I’ve been doing (close to the beginning lol). Mannn I’m excited for 2021 and thank YOU for making my day with these audios! Well honestly my whole year 🗿

Anura ☆

Happy new year, Azeru! You’ve definitely started off the year quite well. Congrats on shifting to full time! We’re all super proud of you. ^^


Happy New Year Azeru ! I’m sure you will thrive . I know it can be scary but just know I will be here to support as much as possible. I actually kind a cried listening to this . Well take care !


Happy New Year dear Azeru!! Really glad things are turning great for you, congrats, don't worry you will do great, just take it a step at a time. You got not only mine, but OUR full support. ❤️


Happy new year!


Happy new year! And congrats! 🥰🥰


Congratulations!! and a happy new year 🎉🎉


Oh, I'm flattered to hear I'm your first on Patreon ^^;...I appreciate the kind words~ It helps calm me down with how big of a move this is.


Happy new year~! And of course I'll try my best not to worry you~ But you stay healthy as well, okay~?


Congratulations! It might be scary to make such a big change but I believe in you. You got this! Happy New Year and thanks for all the smiles in 2020 and for even more in the new year.


Congratulations! That must be exciting, its going to be a lot of hard work but as you content shows you have an amazing talent. Keep up the amazing work! Happy new year and I'm rooting for you!🤗


Oh my gosh that’s awesome possum!!! Hope you have an awesome 2021!

Cheeky Princess

I hope you are not going to leave us.


Happy new year Azeru! And congratulations! although try to not overwork yourself


I'm so excited for you! No matter what happens in the future, so many of your Patrons are gonna be cheering you on! Get that coin doing what you love


Happy new year! Don’t overwork! But thank you for everything!


Greetings from México! congratulations on your new voice actor job, you are going to do it great, I can feel it :)


I totally misunderstood before..haha...so THIS is your full-time job now^^


I love your Asmr vids azeru!!

Steph Cullen

Aweeeee~ Never thought I'd "see" an Angel blush~ And Azzy, thank *you* for all the hard work you do~


I just wanna say congratulations on being a voice actor idk if this weird today this towards you (if so I'm sorry ) but I'm proud of you and for everyone as well for staying strong I know 2022 hasn't been the best year for some people but now it's a new year and we can all move on from the stuff that happened and I just wanna say thank you your literally the first patreon that I every subscribe to and you so thank you for my first time experiences on patreon! ❤️💕