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What do you think of the movies this week? which one are you excited to see! 

We will be doing the Casino (1995) next week since it came close in our recent poll! 



Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I'm most excited for X2: X-Men United! The Sixth Sense is also pretty good too. Sadly, I hate a majority of horror movies, so I definitely won't be watching your reaction for The Exorcist, but hopefully you will enjoy it. Heidi

Mr. Writhms

Wow! “The Exorcist”?? Since when Marian has gotten so brave?! 😯 😁👍

Ellie Miller

Sorry Marian. I won't be watching The Exorcist since I've avoided it all my life and don't want to stop now. You are braver than I am.


we ourselves are not that brave to watch this. We are even unsure if want to upload it to Youtube for the edited version. We will see, hopefully, we aren't too scared to edit it! A lot from our youtube audience recommended the exorcist since we did the shining but we gonna do this for them one time and maybe one time only! 😂

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I know what you mean. I just really hate horror movies in general. I think they're poorly acted, cheesy, predictable, and I really hate seeing all the gore. The Sixth Sense, and a movie I love called, The Rite, are the closest I come to enjoying any kind of horror movie. And these are more suspense movies than horror movies. :) Heidi


thank youuuu that's really comforting!! i am thinking to ditch it already... ughh... why am i doing thisssssssss


since when you thought Marian is brave? lol. he has no choice... poor soul


ohhh that we share both! can't wait for it! we had a good time with Rocky too

Mr. Writhms

Marian, You’ll be okay, man. 🙃 Afterward, watch a cartoon to cleanse. 😁


I am excited for X2. lot of great visual effects will be there in X-men 2.


Joy mostly enjoys suspense/thriller films too. Horror movies aren't for everyone, but we do try to explore every genre. We did a reaction to "Paranormal activity" but we never posted it on our youtube channel 🤣

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

That's wonderful! I enjoy suspense/thriller films too. If you're interested, you should absolutely watch Frequency from 2000. It's one of my absolute favorite movies, starring my all time favorite actor... Jim Caviezel. The Rite from 2007 starring another of my favorite actors... Colin O'Donoghue, is also really good too. I think you both would really love these movies too! :) Heidi

Mark Kelso

Heidi, "The Exorcist" is superbly acted, directed and edited. That's why it so gets under your skin, and why it was up for so many Oscars in 1973. And why, nearly fifty years later, it still stands up. It's not so much gory as shocking.

Mark Kelso

"The Exorcist" is mind-blowing, and "The Sixth Sense" is another great film. Thank you both for giving us this.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I'm sure you're right, Mark. I am sure there are individual horror movies that are really great such as The Exorcism. I simply mean that in my opinion, horror movies in general are bad. I've only seen very few horror movies and not by choice. And I never liked any of these that I have seen. From those I've seen and from a number of the trailers and references you see about these movies made throughout all these years, none of them look good to me, and I know that a majority of the horror movies are ridiculous. And there are far too many horror movies. Just my opinion. Heidi