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Send Requests through the comments section

Rules and things to consider:

-All requests are subject to my interpretation.

-Requests for OCs will only be accepted if it's a character that I'm very familiar with.

-If I reject your request, don't worry! It doesn't burn your slot, so send another!

-More complex ideas will take longer than simpler ones, and may get pushed back.

Alrighty, comment away!



Hopefully you'll get to my request from last month as well, but nevertheless, here's my request for this month. Matt and Casey ring in the new year in a healthy way. Casey takes Matt to a local gym and encourages him to work out with her, giving him the incentive of a more intimate exercise as a reward afterwards. This encouragement works quite well, as Matt successfully speed walks on the treadmill for 30 minutes. They both hope to make moments like this a regular routine.