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I need to anounce that I was going to make January my personal Art Freedom month, which means I'm going to be busy with only my own ideas until I will be ready to open for commissions again in February. All my commissions from old September list are finished now and I feel really free to start working for myself at least for some time. And here is some sketches done today.
I nearly finished watching Ren & Stimpy show and fell very much in love with this show because of it's wild crazy humor, bizarre plots and original characters, not to mention Ren himself which personality is very similar to mine. So, I got inspired to draw stuff with him and Jasper, a secondary character which appeared in "Big House Blues" episode as secondary character and was mentioned lots of times in future episodes in different disguises. As you can see he also touched my belly and burping kinks because of one single moment where he was shown lying with a big bottle of soda (and the same moment appears everytime in opening during all 5 seasons) As I love to say "Where is the food there is a stuffing".
And also, one of my first goals of Art Freedom month was to finish my Bernard weight gain sequence which started with two Spooktober artworks, so here is two sketches of Bernard getting big FOR REAL. Hope to do them with the same good aesthetics as my previous drawings. 



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