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Hi loves

Just a brief missive.

O, the Poetry of the Hospital.

As I head up to floor 12 to deal with the end phase, these two new dads - who don’t know one another - share the elevator with me, both carrying matching black empty carseats to pick up newborn babies.

Where’s my revolving door emoji. ♾️

I love you all




Kris Smerick

I was in barre class tonight and Lightning Crashes started playing and…yes it was a big hit but damn that first verse. Lightning crashes A young mother cries. Her placenta falls to the floor. The angel opens her eyes. The confusion sets in Before the doctor can even close the door. Lightning crashes An old mother dies. Her intentions fall to the floor. The angel closes her eyes. The confusion that was hers Belongs now to the baby down the hall. It comes around again. May angels do their work. May the intentions be released. May peace come. Love.