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hallo loves. 

on the run at the moment but i didn't want you to miss this...it's a great video clip taken from "the universe in verse" evening in brooklyn at pioneerworks (embedded here on maria's site https://www.brainpickings.org/2017/04/26/the-mushroom-hunters-neil-gaiman/ ) of maria introducing me, then me introducing neil's poem, and then me reading a new poem that neil stayed up until 3 am writing the other night.

just watch it. it's really, really good.

and fan-boy note: i met sam beam, from iron & wine, at the event, since we both had poems to read. i have been obsessed with his music forever and i'd missed the fact that he was going to be there. if you don't know his music....good lord. go google. (here's my favorite album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTsbNMRQa1E)

and neil gaiman is my favorite fucking feminist.

....and SOMETHING BEAUTFUL IS COMING TOMORROW. get your eyeballs ready.




The Mushroom Hunters: Neil Gaiman's Feminist Poem About Science, Read by Amanda Palmer

"We especially need imagination in science. It is not all mathematics, nor all logic, but it is somewhat beauty and poetry," the great astronomer Maria Mitchell, who paved the way for women in science, wrote in her diary in 1871.


Wendy S. Katz

I loved the whole evening, but this poem truly was the crowning glory, and your reading brought it to life in an amazing way. I'm so glad this recording was made available to enjoy again and again. Thank you both.


I've loved Neil's writing since I read his first book about the Hitchhiker series back in the 80's and it's always a treat to hear something new. It's excellent as I expected it would be. You did a wonderful job reading it. Thanks for sharing.

Kim Cofield

That is truly stunning. Both the poem & its reading are magic.

Laura Wellner

I love Neil's poem! Listening to you reading it made my inner self expand, that little voice inside was screaming "Yes, yes, yes, fucking yes!" What a magical moment! You're in a sweet spot creatively with the things you're producing, places you're going, and you have Ash and Neil with you, and the multitudes of people around you, who support you, and it's all good. Fucking yes!


Amazing poem, amazing rendition. I'm once again struck by the thought that Ash is going to grow up to be the most amazing and bizarre person. That, or he's going to run away to be an accountant in the same way other children run off to join the circus. ;)


That's probably one of the best poems about how truly great and important women are and how they're the ones really holding it all together for the future of humanity. I don't think I realized this until I heard this poem.


That was so, so wonderful. There is some analogy in there between mushrooms as poison/food and the woes of the world/Neil's words - but I'm not a poet and can't suss that out. In any case, I feel like I've had a dose of world weary antidote. Thanks <3


Beautiful! The poem has reminded me once again how we are all connected. Not only those of us who are here now but also all those who came before and all those who will come after. Namaste