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hallo my loves....

greetings from a train - i'm en route from upstate to NYC for tonight's "universe in verse" gig - don't forget it's gonna be livestreamed at 7 pm NYC time  ...dudes...neil stayed up til fuckin 3 am last night to finish the poem that i will read (and it's very Gaiman-y and very soul-poking). speaking of The Man: neil and i are doing a fundraising dinner TOMORROW in NYC for PENamerica and that's going to be streamed, too (at 7:30 pm NYC time, here's the link to that stream ). you're drowning in stream. and guess who i just found out is going to be at the PEN dinner tomorrow night? MERYL STREEP. if you tune into the stream maybe you can watch us, like...make out or something, now that we're best friends. and i'm not scheduled to perform, but i do have my ukulele, so maybe meryl will go to bat for me.


the true time is coming, the time of new music. 

it feels like it's been so long. 

amanda the musician is fuckin back in the saddle. jesus.

the edward ka-spel & AFP record "i can spin a rainbow" - which has been years and years in the making - is coming out in about two weeks (may 5th). if you've missed the pre-order for the LP/CD, you can still order it here, and on the 5th itself ALL OF YOU (including - $1 patrons - will get the record as a download. extras n stuff will be coming to $3 and $5+ patrons).

but right now, i'd like to share my favorite song off the record with you.

it's called 

"The Clock At The Back Of The Cage" (i'll let you mull that one over for a second).

in a few days, there's an official Thing/Video coming out to the public that was made for this song by some incredible artists in australia (this post image is a still from the video) - and the video IS MAGNIFICENT ...but meanwhile, i really wanted you to HEAR IT first.

HEAR. it. listen to it.

this is the thing about the internet lately.

i feel like you're less likely to *REALLY LISTEN* to this song - the words, the sounds, the production, the subtleties - while watching the video...and i want you to hear it first, to know it, to have it in your bones.

i'm so very proud of this whole record, songwriting, production, sonics....and this song very especially. it's the most personal song on the record, it's the most fragile and beautiful...it's....shall we say, very special to me. 

edward and i co-wrote this whole record together sitting in his house in hornchurch and in imogen's house in havering-atte-bower...and we took turns starting/continuing different songs. 

this one was penned mostly by me, with edward's magical touches bringing it to life. i wrote it late one night on imogen's glockenspiel in the basement....and it was one of the most magical moments of the whole recording process when i looked at edward the next day after playing it and singing it for him, and i said: "but you sing this one. it will mean more to me." 

and then we got to work, and i decided to sing the chorus - to make it a duet of sorts. edward narrates, i fill in. all of the sound effects are edward's.

oh, loves....listening to my most personal of lyrics coming out of edward's mouth, in That Voice (edward's voice still brings me to tears, sometimes, it's so fragile and broken)....it was like a full circle rainbow of art and pain and time.

so anyway.

i would love it if you would give me five minutes of your life, turn off your feeds, put on headphones (or good speakers) and listen to this song somewhere dark and quiet. i promise it'll be a better experience than if you click on it and half-listen while reading twitter.

deal? please?


i love you.

i am nervous.

here's your download code:

MP3: https://we.tl/ckYB2hQmvJ
WAV: https://we.tl/EJ2WHCN9if

tell me what you think.

i really hope you love this song, this music, this whole album as much as i do.

you helped make it.



p.s. EDWARD&AMANDA TOUR UPDATE: thank you thank you to all of you who volunteered couchsurfing!!! we are sorting through it all. AND THE ENTIRE US TOUR (boston, NYC, brooklyn, LA and SF) is SOLD OUT!!!!! in europe/uk: prague and vienna are SOLD OUT but there are still tickets for warsaw, hamburg, antwerp, amsterdam, munich and LONDON...but some shows are down to their last few hundred tickets, so get on it. all dates: 


----------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS----------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. i know, i know. 

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




download for Beyond the Beach Video??


Beautiful and haunting. I dig it!


You have made a doorway, something liminal and dangerous, something many-layered and tricksy and thereby completely honest. Is there a tale of a dark Fey princess who lost her True Thomas, before he left did he hand to a Raven Prince the Key to her cage? Is the truth only ever told by the broken-voiced Fool, wise in his silences? I can almost see my hand writing a story that unravels in the moment of becoming, ink on water, words on fire, time ticking harder and harder, cracking the blue freckled eggshell...


I took your advise and listend to the song while lying alone in my bed, in a quite, dark room at 2:12 in the morning, with my eyes closed. It was a surreal experience, that made me see all kind of pictures behind my closed eyelids... simply - I love it. The composition of the whole pice was just this side of perfect. This almost painfully soft voice, the Glockenspiel, the lyrics... all together created this soft atmosphere which brought me almost to tears, and at the same time sharpend my focus on every word that Edward sung. Eerily beautiful piece of art. Dear Amanda, dear Edward - thank you for that. I'm now looking forward to your concert in Vienna even more then I already had. I'm really happy that being a patreon helped you a tiny bit to creat this piece of art. Love Kiki


Oh, so this is why I bought the good headphones! The first time I listened was while introverting around in rush hour traffic after a long and tiring day. It gave me the sense of isolation I needed. I couldn't really focus on the lyrics because of the walking and traffic, but I was okay with that. The second time was at home in PJs on my couch and I let the whole experience wash over me. Love!


So warm, and yet chilling. Can I say you outdid yourself? <3


It's simply beautiful


This was a long way away from what I'd listened to a few days ago of yours (Who Killed Amanda Palmer), but this is what I love in a musician/s. The diversity, yet still retaining the character and charisma of the same artist/s. This genuinely was brilliant, and I'm so happy to have been granted the opportunity to listen to the full glory of the uncompressed wav file along with headphones that most of my money from part-time work ended up dissapearing off to :P (Yes, pretentious pseudo-audiophile alert!) I'm so vexed that your gig in London is right in the middle of when my exams are ): But oh well, you'd better come back to London again soon after that! Speaking of London, I got weird vibes from Edward's curious voice of Victorian London, and some of the gruesome murders that would go on there... Completely irrelevant, but hey, the atmospheric tension this song created was therefore amazing! Thank you Amanda, Edward and everybody else involved in this production, I can't wait to hear the rest of the album!


I finally found time to sit and listen to this properly. Woah. You've gone dark with this one Amanda! Not what I was expecting at all, but I love it! Such beautiful production. I can't wait to heat the rest of the album. Going to watch the video now.


I love where you've gone sonically with this record. Seems like it's going to be fully haunting and trippy. So looking forward to it.


I love it!!