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Fuckin love it when a song comes at five o’clock in the fuckin morning

Time to make the donuts

God this new dresden dolls record is gonna be so goddamn good

Cheer me on mates







You are gonna kick ass! So excited to hear it eventually. ☺️❤️💃🏽

Robert Williams

For some f-ing reason 3am is the time my anxiety hits me & drops a story line fir a new story or a chapter for one of the stories I have on the go 🤨 & its no use trying to go back to sleep 😝 Luckily I’m retired but I could still do without the interrupted sleep 🤷🏼‍♂️


Go, Amanda, Go, Go, Amanda! RAH RAH RAH!!! CIS er BOOM, BAH!??

Nicole Ives

Sensational :-) Go girlfriend!

Scott Meekins

That looks just like my house! LOL!

Howard DiNatale

Cheering you on and very excited for the album and the December Portland show. Hoping that I can bring the friend who had to back out of seeing the Tacoma show.