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Hello loves.

The last time I felt like this, it was the very start of the longer part of the pandemic. American summer 2020.

By that longer part I mean: it was the part where the initial shock was over and the horror was settling in. This is where I realized that the energy was going to turn into life.

My marriage was over, I was suddenly partnerless in a rental house with a kid in a foreign country, my own home country was burning. I was completely in shock.

I wanted to work, but I couldn’t. But I could. Cover songs are like a lifeboat sometimes, a thing of somebody else’s making that you can climb aboard, a readymade vessel on which you can get to dry land, safe from the sinking. It’s important that it’s not yours. It’s important that it’s carrying you, the songwriter, by being a song you didn’t write.

So. The last cover song/offering to you patrons that truly pulled me through a painful and difficult moment was “It’s a Fire” by Portishead, I sang it with a Rhiannon Giddons. I recorded my part in Auckland, New Zealand, she recorded hers in the states.


To record the song (the piano and vocals) I had flown to Auckland from Hawke’s Bay for the first time. It was August, 2020. The US was a mess. New Zealand was opening up. No covid.

I received some news late the night before the recording session that was so horrific and so deeply disturbing that, the next morning, I had to ask my ride to the recording studio to pull over so I could be sick.

That had never happened to me before. Never in real life, and never on the way to a session. I got to the studio and almost canceled. I just wanted to throw up from panic.

And then I sat down to play. Music. And the song - this cover song, and the feeling of physically playing the piano and physically making these words and sounds with my mouth - it saved me. Took the nausea and the shakes away. Took the awfulness away. Medicine. Actual medicine.


I am feeling that way right now, tonight, as I work on this new one.

It’s not nearly as acute, the pain. Not nearly as catastrophic. I don’t need to throw up. It’s a dull ache, a deep and a throbbing one. It needed a song tourniquet. I’m also finally emerging out of the darkness. The joy makes me want to sing, to swim back in that just make music water.

Or to return to metaphor one:

I know a robust lifeboat when I hear one.

This song is rowing me to shore.

I really can’t wait to give you this one.

Holly Miranda is gonna produce it.

Stay tuned.

I love making music.

Thank you for helping me make music.



Ps posts coming up ASAP about graveside and campersand. ♥️♥️♥️



Robyn Pearson

Love you my dear. ❤️


I wish you comfort and send love.

Kirrabelle Lovell

So glad you had a lifeboat then and can be your own lifeboat now.🛶 Even when I don’t feel like making music (and it’s part of my job, so sometimes I don’t feel like it as it’s work) when I start I always feel better. ❤️🎶


This was a gift. I sobbed through it, but it was still a gift. I think there is grief still needing to be let out. I can't write right now, so I get it. I have moleskins and composition books full of lines I'm kindly calling compost because I can't do anything with them except let them sit and ripen until I can write again. It's 2:30 am here, and I have a no spend any money after midnight rule for myself, so I'll buy it tomorrow. It's beautiful and sad and I forgot how to breathe through a mask recently. But I live in FL and it's still not safe, and I will remember how.

Len Tower Jr.

On a prior topic: * https://www.capecodlighthouses.info/ * if I have the time, I take 6A out to/fro Ptown. i enjoy exploring some of the roadside businesses along 6A & other Upper Cape byways. Aalot more fun than 6 & much of 28. * let me know if you want more pointers about the Upper Cape. Love, Len


The further away we get from the pandemic lockdowns, the more I realise how much damage they have done. Consciously or subconsciously, everyone is still dealing with the fallout. It permanently changed us all. I know so many artists who are still trying to rebuild their careers. I know so many people struggling with mental health issues that came to the surface during or since lockdowns. It never went away. It might often appear like we went back to how things were before, but we didn't. We're doing the actions, but the feelings aren't the same. And so many people just feel exhausted. All the time.

Thomas Herlofsen

Love you. I am healing too, from many things. Hope to see you in Europe eventually. I owe you a giant, giant hug. These last few years.. man. I'm so not the person who's song you recorded and it turns out what doesn't kill you doesn't make you stronger. Only wiser.


The song is beautiful ❤️

Christina C.

The cover of It's A Fire was one of the first gems I dug up when I became a Patron a few months ago. It's on one of the handfuls of playlists I have had on rotation since then. Nothing short of stunning. ❤️‍🔥


I am so sorry you had to go through that but so glad you're healing from it. I haven't written any songs since I was a child and your songs, as well as others', are that lifeboat for me.




Beautiful. Thanks for sharing your voice both in written form and in music. It means so much. Thank you also just for being a genuine human being.

Amanda Kunz

So excited, both for the music and the fact that you’re healing from this.


Love you. Your music rows us all to shore. I need it now more than ever and can’t wait. It’s also really helpful to hear that you’re reaching the other side of acute. I’m still in it, as you know, but Campersand, vulnerability, honesty, non-doormatness, and this community are the gifts you’ve brought to us all. And we hold you, too. Xoxo


Yaaay!!!! (for the good parts!) yaaay!


Holy Serendipity Batman!! I found your next collaborator... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sypqygUwGio A friend sent this to me and this was the very first thing I thought of was "Amanda's recording/writing... she needs to hear this". The fact that the piece is called "Confessions" is just the icing... :)

Pamela Kirsch

Cannot wait to listen. You spoil us. Thank you!

Dahlia Graham

so breathe on sister, breathe on — get in that just make music water

Lisa Pannek

I’d love to know the back story of how you and Rhiannon came to do this together. I was not yet a patron so I saw it first on my music app and was surprised to see your names together. I’m a huge fan of Rhiannon’s as well and I just wasn’t aware you two were connected.

Rachel Who

I've been a fan of yours for a long time, but only recently was able to be a patron (honestly in big part so that I could have access to your words, your medicine outside of the facesuck of fb) and they are truly a lifeboat for me in a time of intense transformation and isolation. Thank you for that.