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Hello Loves!

EXHAUSTED FROM CAMPERSAND!!!....and have barely any bandwidth to post, but wanted to check in with the 85 people who attended and give you a space to holler at me and at each other. It was a wpnderful week of sharing and I'm frankly at a loss for words. Maybe you have some words. Put them in the comments for one another, for me, and for the other thousands of patrons who weren't there.

(Also, for you Campersandeers, there's a thread here on the shadowbox: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/t/campersand-2023-discussion/11151/2)

Do not fear, ALL, we are putting together a HUGE wrap post here on patreon and a letter for you Camp folks is getting assembled, we are TIRED so it's gonna take a minute.....but here's one beautiful picture I took on the last day. 

The biggest theme for me:

Visible Mending....on every level.


I am going to spend the next few days catching up, but my soul is ragged and raw.

I'm covered in dirty laundry and to-do lists and thoughts I can't capture.

I'm filled with music.

Today, I was folding laundry and a song made me start weeping.

So I decided I'll cover that song this month for you, because whatever works, works.

I went to pick kale in the garden with Holly and I brought the song with me.

She'll play guitar.

We'll put our voices together.

Together, we'll mend.

This is why the patreon is like nothing else.

Because we just....can. Because it's the right moment to harvest.

That's why.


Here's a mushroom I saw today...

And here's me, kissing you.....

More soon.


Exhausted AFP



Stephanie Quinlan

As I said, the one time I was brave enough to share in open circle, I surprised myself time after time all week long. And in doing so reconnected with parts of myself that I'd almost forgotten about. So much love to all the beautiful, real, flawed and genuine people I met. Campersand was an experience I will never forget.


We’re still not home from Campersand, so maybe it’s not really over yet. I had a great week and I’ll start processing it tomorrow.



Pamela Kirsch

Thank you for what I would call a life changing experience 🩵🩵🩵. Thank you for holding me while I cried (all of you not just Amanda) I’ve never felt so safe and loved by new friends in my entire life. Thank you for everything. I could really use bedyyyyyyby and a big squeeze. Fuccccck thank you times infinity Amanda 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵

Pamela Kirsch

Fuck I just dropped. I can feel it. Just trying to remind myself that it feels this sad because it was so good. And that it is not a moment in time and these connections are still here and are still real 💕💕💕


I’ve rewatched a little video Amanda posted to Instagram walking around the graveside variety space earlier today a few times, and it is reminding me of what it felt like to be in that beautiful space with many of you. Also, that this was real… so very real. What an incredible moment this retreat was and just beautiful. ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make this retreat happen…it was more beautiful than words can explain… Sending love 💫🎼


So good to hear your healing process. You are loved and I'm glad you're coming back to yourself. ♥️


There were so many highlights of the week for me. Doing shintaido with Manta was delightful. The Munz Floor work with Coco was amazing. The mindful chocolate tasting was delicious and informative. Father Nathan Monk's writing workshop was inspiring. The mindful nature walks taught me new things about myself. I could listen to Sophie Strand speak all day just to learn and grow. And my favorite moments were the ones I spent getting to know the wonderful, creative people there...sharing meals on the patio, dancing with Orly and Teresa, holding a baby, and jamming in a circle with the other folks who brought guitars and ukes!


Love and gratitude coming at you from the Camp interloper!! The AFP family was so kind and fun, and AFP herself dropped some serious healing on me EXACTLY when I needed it. Cannot begin to say what this means to me!! ❤️


Thank you, Amanda, and everyone for holding me last week as I recovered from surgery and opened my heart. The journey was unforgettable. It was so amazing to be in community and to get to know so many stellar humans. We are all going through it, whatever the fuck it is, and it was great to drop in and carry each other along the way. I can't wait to see you all again at concerts and in life.

Amanda Kunz

Thank you everyone for accepting me and surrounding me with love, when I need to go to my happy place, it will be that room where we all bared our souls to each other ❤️

Pamela Kirsch (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-12 23:46:45 I agree that is my new happy safe place too! <3
2023-07-12 16:52:01 I agree that is my new happy safe place too! <3

I agree that is my new happy safe place too! <3

Pamela Kirsch (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-18 19:33:50 Amanda I am unsure if you are still reading these post but my depression hit hard post campersand and I can use all your hugs &lt;3
2023-07-17 15:59:13 Amanda I am unsure if you are still reading these posts but my depression hit hard post campersand and I can use all your hugs <3

Amanda I am unsure if you are still reading these posts but my depression hit hard post campersand and I can use all your hugs <3


sending you all of the hugs Pamela! (((❤️)))