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Hello loves.

Greetings from Bearsville, NY. I'm up with the birds and about to wander down to the pop-up to open it up, and crack my heart back open to the world. It's time. 

Yesterday: I did only things I loved. 

Out with the old in the night, in with the new in the dawn.....

I'm so happy. I will see and hug many of you at the events later today. I can’t wait to see your art offerings.

(Everyone else - I’ll get video and photos, I promise. You deserve them :)


Last night was Bonfire and piano night @ my house, with the whole crew who are you from NYC and over from the UK to help inaugurate the pop-up. 

There was a lot of scrap to get off the land.

The sparks looked like stars. 

The stars smiled down.

It’s emotional and physical burn season for almost everyone I know. Can’t leave it on the lawn any longer....the darkbright season of tenderglass hearts and piles of aching debris to fling into the incinerator.

Goodbye, things.

All of this is practice for when I finally burn all the shit y’all mailed me in 2018 for There Will Be No Intermission. 

Believe me. I haven’t forgotten. The time is coming.  When that burns, I will know I am ready to be well and truly done with this miserable era - from which I learned so much, more than enough, everything I needed.

Thank you, Era. 

Thank you, Things.




Meanwhile, I’ve been playing the piano for pleasure for the first time in ages, and I’m preparing the space for all of you near and far, and I am so happy I could cry.

To hold all these hands, my god.

It’s all coming together.

See you in a few hours, Graveside.

So very filled with love for all of you, each and everyone one.




Final joke:

What's better than roses on a piano?

Tulips on an organ (get it?)

Just kidding

Eight hands on a piano, a.k.a. my favorite moment of last night (photo by Pony):







May you look back at the miserable of the era, and let the fantastic overcome and dominate how you see it.


The word of the day is “Healing”. Breathe lighter, enjoy yourself.

Teresa Toro

An oldie but a goodie. Making music with friends is good medicine.




Oh how I wish I could be there tonight. I hope you have a blast, all of you who go!! ☺️☺️🥳

Lori Snyder

Amanda! This made me so so happy to read! The coming - not "back" to ourselves, exactly, since ourselves have all changed so much, but maybe the coming forward into the happiness we can find in the new us, discovering where joy is in the familiar and the new. HOORAY!!!

Lisa Pannek

Things are shifting today! After years of yoga I flew in crow pose this morning for the first time solely because I suddenly realized I could. A small child I did not know greeted me exuberantly upon entering my local breakfast place. I am coming to Graveside this evening to experience. Today is a day of possibility!


Hi .. I have an extra ticket for this evenings pop up if anyone needs it 😁 LMK


This is probably the most random comment you'll receive, BUT... are you aware of the band Manchester Orchestra? All of their music is incredible, but I've been recently listening to their album The Million Masks of God on repeat (JESUS CHRIST IT'S SO GOOD), and every now and then I think, I bet Amanda would totally dig this album. You can stream the entire thing on their YouTube channel. It's only 45 minutes long, but holy fuck. If you only have time for one song, I'd recommend the last song on the album, The Internet. I really think you would love it. It still gives me goosebumps after listening to it for an entire year. Anyway. Random music suggestion. Love you. Linky: https://youtu.be/gJED17ThojI

Amalija Vitezovic

It feels good to see the fiery photo. I'm not sure if the thing I mailed you in 2018 for There Will Be No Intermission reached the destination or got lost in transit, but I'll definitely imagine it burst into flames in the bonfire when the time comes.

erica munhoz

I'm so curious to now how the Graveside event went on sunday <3


I hope you all have a great time and that you continue to feel big happiness. 💜