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This morning. A conversation with Ash, 7.

“I know when you graduate High School you go to College but what happens when you graduate College?”

“Well, first of all not everyone goes to College. When they finish College some people just go out into the world and do their thing. Some people don’t even go to High School and that’s fine, they just learn how they learn and do their thing in the world. But some people go to College and then they graduate, if they want to keep learning about a really special thing, they go to what’s called Grad School. That’s short for Graduate School.”

“And what happens when you graduate from Graduate School?”

“Some people just keep going to school until they have 3 PhDs. Some people work jobs and teach things to other people or they make music or they’re astronauts or YouTubers or plumbers or they write books or run farms and basically people just work their works and hopefully live happy lives until they die.”

“And what happens when you graduate from Dying?”






Rebecca Starodub

This is completely unrelated, but just saw The Riot Fest line up drop. So excited!!! 💜

Lisa Pannek

Well that moved me to make my very first comment. I cried at his last question and the thought that arose was “I hope there is peace”


This was just what i needed this morning. Thank you for the light hearted convo.

James G Watt

Amanda :o No retirement in your life plan! i mean I know it's not for everyone, If you're driven by a passion, maybe it's unthinkable, and for many, increasingly it feels like a right that is slowly being stripped away but .. retirement! ... up the French protesters :)


I believe you get to go a version of heaven and then come back to experience your next universal lesson. My son asked me last week How many earths there have been, he's five. I wasn't sure what he meant at first and then he said when the people before us existed how long ago was that and how many times were there new people. I said I wasn't sure, and he said that he thinks there's a drawer full of Earths and some are older than others but the different Earths of people are on each one and then when one ends God picks a new one and keeps the others in the drawer. BTW I don't practice any religion with my kids. I think about what he said now almost every day because it actually made a lot of sense to me lol

Laura Morland

Time to get your friend Fr. Nathan Monk into the conversation!

Terry Green

good job being a mom!


Well, Ash, nobody really knows, but there are several hypotheses mostly depending on what a religion teaches. Myself, I'm going with the Steve Jobs Oh Wow idea.

Nicolai Giedraitis

You reach nirvana and then you can get back in line for the Ride.


for one thing, you can say you've really got this death thing down :) i'll see myself out


The answer is 42.


There's a song in there. <3


How profound.


Oh hey, a description of my life, education and eventual death


Great question❣️❤️❤️❤️


That's deep AF. Some Buddha lvl thinking there. I like to think we live on in other people's memories. If remembered mostly with love and joy, we're in heaven. In any case, most of us slowly fade away as the years and generations pass; echoes of our voices getting weaker and increasingly distorted, until we join some sort of Cosmic Microsoul Background radiation... or something. And then, everybody had ice-cream.