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Hello my dear ones.

I’m better. Not 100%, but getting there. Out of the infectious woods at least. Tired, a little bleary, ready to face a new era and the frogs are exploding. Wait no. The blossoms are exploding. The frogs are singing. The blossoms are singing. I’m drunk on spring and covid recovery and full of love and happy tiredness.

By the way, did all of America start saying “a hundred percent” instead of “absolutely” while I was gone in New Zealand? It seems it. I came back from Waiheke and all of a sudden everyone is saying that instead of “sure” or “yes”. Talk to me and tell me why this happened.

Cross-posted to socials - I am…

Exhausted, but extraordinarily happy, finally over covid, and it’s been a while since I just told you all that I love you.

A few nights ago, someone told me about an experience they had at my New York show. She’d brought a friend along who’d not only never seen me, she knew nothing about me, my songs, my writing, my stage shows. My friend said that her guest had been having a really hard time in life and that the show gave her a little mini-lifeline, some hope, some vitality.

This is the thing. Why I love to love. Love to live. Love to make. That story gives me the hope and vitality I need myself, to keep composing music, writing down feelings, making songs in my head, raising a child, fighting for truth, breathing with patience, making a meal.

We go in a circle. We trade. Sometimes we can go long times without hearing the words we need, being held in the way we need, being admired and loved the way we need. I’m currently not at a deficit, which means I’m lucky, and it is at these points I can turn to you with the little just-a-few words I have to give that may ease your sleep, your night, your morning, your Sunday tasks.

I love you and I’m proud of you. I am holding you in my arms from the other side of the screen. If you’ve been suffering lately, I hope you find release and ease soon. If it feels relentless and endless, you are not alone. auf you are feeling driven crazy by circumstances and poor fortune, know that wherever you are, there you are for only now, and everything will change. If it isn’t changing fast enough, I wish I could grant you the patience to wait for the moment you look back and say

it was hard

but I survived

and I refused

to be stored in a black

plastic sack and placed

in the



Rage, rage my beautiful friends. Don’t go gently into any dark.

Today, we lay in the sun. Today, we basked. Cuddle those you love. Enjoy every ray. Eat chocolate if you can. Pat a cat. Find peace in the smallest things.

Art….will come.

I kiss your heads.

I love you all so so much.






Ashleigh M. Ferreira-Bartlett

Fuck meeeee I needed a boop, and this was exactly the right amount of boop that was needed. No more, no less. Just a gentle boop. Like an Eskimo kiss. I love you, Amanda. I can't wait to give you your birthday present or leave it somewhere/slide it under green room door and hopefully you'll find it depending how the shows go. Lately you've helped me find my voice when I was silent. I literally don't know how to deal with being precancerous, so I'm just not. I'm pretending because it's pre- it's pre-everything. Definitely premature to worry. Forgive me for the diatribe, per ushe. I hope you feel so much better like so, so soon. Like actually? Right now


So much love to you. ❤️❤️❤️Don’t know that the 100% has made it south yet or at least to my ears. Loving spring it always lifts a weight.


100% has taken over. I say it multiple times a day. I have no idea how it happened, but it was definitely during Covid.

Carmen J

More healing and love aplenty from me! xxx


I think things have been so uncertain for the last few years that having something be 100% is a thing worth celebrating. My friend (and old college roommate) and I went to the Boston show and connected the most we have in years (as we originally connected over the Dresden Dolls as little baby queer folk in 2004). Thank you for that. I hope you let yourself rest and recuperate still!

Michael Clark

I love you too dear one. And I’d like to meet up sometime before leaving Woodstock if that is a possibility this time around. I don’t know what your days are like and what you are needing, but right now one of the things I live with is the hope of a conversation with one of my favorite people. I have been doing public art at the Woodstock town circle outside Garden Cafe. Statuing, juggling, chalk art, horseplay with anyone game. Telling Amanda Palmer stories. I met a 7 year old girl and we played for over an hour. Long enough her mom drove by, saw us and we sat down and we talked. So many stories. Doing art in your hometown is very fruitful and engaging. And, I’d still love to connect a bit if there’s any way you would enjoy that. I don’t know if you’ll see this. I’ll keep doing the art, as will you I’m sure. All the best.


Glad you're feeling better. Life is hard, always seems to be something there to bring you down if you let it. Look for the joy.


I love you, Amanda.

Laura Morland

I love your "Inspirational Quote"! Refuse to be refuse. That's one we can all get behind. By the way, I was "Covid stuck" in Paris for nearly as long as you were in Aotearoa (only a few months shorter), and at some point during 2020, my cousin Evelyn (not a twin) back in Berkeley started using this "100% emoji" in her messages to me. A lot. I never understood precisely what she meant by it, but thanks to this post, I now see: she meant "absolutely"! I simply decided that it was a dispensable emoji, and I've never used it. I also didn't realize that people were *saying* it! (I've been back in France for a while.) I mean, there's a time and a place to say "100%," (e.g., "I have zero doubt!" "I am 100% certain!"), but to use it just for emphasis dilutes its meaning, don'tcha think? I'm wondering which came first: the "100% emoji" or people saying "one-hundred-percent"? Since most emojis come from Japan (I think; I could be wrong), I'm wondering if it's a case of emojis influencing language. Which would be cool. I doubt it'll last, though. Remember when people used to shout "NOT!" (thanks to Wayne and Garth), or say "probabLEE"? You don't hear those anymore, or at least I don't.


Lots of love! 💞


You emerged from the covid cocoon just in time to smell the frogs! The blossoms, I mean! I'm overjoyed that you can resume whatever it is that you're trying to master at the moment. You are giving us so much strength through your graceful dealing with life. I still think I'm a slow learner of all these buddhist teachings, since I'm trying not to hurt myself too much and mostly failing. I'm learning Greek on duolingo and imagining what incredible strength this ancient tongue has amassed over the centuries while listening to the pop divas of Ellada on a loop and trying to understand the lyrics. It's keeping me in a deep trance these days whereby I have perfected a kind of dance drawing technique. This takes me right back to when I was 12 and starting to discover music through much older friends. Alas, I have no wish to rejoin the present but I will have to, soon. Please stream some rehearsal stuff if you have the time and space for that! We're all so very thankful to the people in your life that are there to comfort and cuddle you. Hope you fill your emotional well before leaving for tour again. Sending so much love.


So glad that you're feeling better - as someone who is high risk for Covid, I am very well read on the topic and just want to throw out a warning to Keep Resting, even when you start to feel better. This is one of the key ways to protect against Long Covid - don't push yourself for as long as possible (many weeks) after your initial recovery. Damage is also cumulative, so having this virus mild the first time, doesn't mean subsequent times will also be mild, so make sure to take care of yourself. Much love xxx ps, yesterday I found and was lifted by the original artwork postcard you sent me some years ago with your poem about you fixing the piano, and your words: 'you never know/ what will lead to what/ and there are so many ways/ to/ fix/ things' came at exactly the right moment for me, by serendipity, so thank you again!


Yes 100% everywhere. Still doesn’t annoy me like “aesthetic “ and “mindfulness “. I will try to refuse becoming refuse but times are hard man

Laura Payne

I love you so much, dear lady. I’m so glad you’re feeling better and that life has turned once more and is being kind to you. May this be the case for everyone here: be patient, tough times will pass, may love and light be yours. Big, big hugs coming your way. ❤️❤️❤️


I’m so so so happy you are on the mend. We have tickets for your Denver shows. We live in California. In the last 2 years I lost my Mom and both my dogs and my cat. So much loss. To be honest nothing makes sense…yet. But I do have hope. We saw our first Dolls show New Years 2023. We travel to Denver next week. We got a new puppy. Slowly crawling out of the dark season of grief. Praying you continue to recover, and thank you for continuing to do what you do. 😭🙌🏼🕊️❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥🎼🎹🎤🥁


Thank you! And I'm glad you're doing better.


“100%” started in So Cal about a year ago I think🤣🤣🤣 along with “spicy”

Chelsea Darieal

One cat, who I returned to my mom, died Tuesday. My cat was surrendered the week before because I'm not allowed to have them despite my roommate being allowed hers. Mom's health is tanking again. New coworker won't listen and has been a Complete and Absolute Nightmare to deal with to the point of me almost quitting. Plans keep not happening or going wrong. And I'm just barely two months out of an abusive relationship, which brings me to a thought I've been stuck on. It's not your place to hold compassion and space and forgiveness to men who haven't hurt you. It's not your place to forgive Bryan for raping me for four years. And it's not your place to hold compassion for the man who raped and murdered my aunt when she was three years old. I don't know what you think you're doing with your inmate work, but I dont support giving these people a false sense of forgiveness. The only people who can forgive them are the people they have hurt. It is not your place to tell these people that they've Done Enough for Atonement.


So timely, thank you. 😢❤️ I was dithering on whether to do my usual Sunday outing. People expect me and miss me when I’m not there, which is normally wonderful, but today I feel reclusive, like it would just be a chore. Thanks in part to your message, I canceled and now have a free day at home to get a grip (or let go, or whatever this feeling is calling for).

Elizabeth Gunn

I mostly share when things are going poorly so I want to intentionally share now to say...my meds are working really well! I am not in the deep hole! I have been in the deep hole so many times, for so long, and anti-depressants are making my life better and less tormented and that is such an amazing win. Anyway, I hope everybody in the hole gets to experience this and I love you all.


I watched this in 2020 as I waited to recover from the 🦠. It has a beautiful ending. I love you and hope you enjoy: https://youtu.be/Nw5KQMXDiM4


I really needed those words at the end of this post. Going through some health things that are both known and unknown and yes, relentless. I thought I was going to have to cancel going to one of your Denver shows but I found a way. I'm bringing a dear friend who, like the person mentioned in your post, is unfamiliar with you or your music. Other than hearing me talk about it for years she knows nothing. I might be more excited for her experience than my own. We definitely both need the medicine that is The Dresden Dolls. That's for sure. See you soon.


Sending all the love❤❤

Samson Y Hiss

"100%" is like transparent toilet paper. It's everywhere and it stinks. I first heard it a year ago at a hotel pool while talking to a bloated real estate agent from Sacramento about bluetooth speakers and I immediately hated it. And I heard it recently outside a puppet festival in NOLA and I cringed, and asked myself, "Why is this blowhard phrase spreading? It's not even a word. It's a data point." And now here we are, hearing it everywhere. It sucks 100%.


Love you too AFP


Raging and loving with equal measure. Mother, fighter, lover, artist. Juggling those spherical things and giving my heart to my children to keep them afloat 💚💜💙