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Hi all

Quick one for the locals !!

I’m veering quickly towards Covid negativity and just in time…I am so excited that one of my old Cloud Club / Boston housemates and collaborators - Tristan Allen - is coming to town this Sunday. They’ve been studying with master puppeteers in NYC and has created his own show - “Tin Iso and the Dawn” - which they’re gonna perform live at My Little Local Indie - Tinker St Cinema, this Sunday at 8pm.

The show is only an hour. It promises to be hopeful and surreal, and Tristan’s music, if you’ve never heard it, is truly mesmerizing.

(Here’s a four-handed piano piece called “János in Wonderland” that Tristan and I once made together: https://amandapalmer.bandcamp.com/track/j-nos-vs-wonderland-2)

Come join for the whimsy.

Suitable for all ages, though not specifically a kids show. Maybe bring a playing card attached to you to show you’re a patron of mine and therefor up for chatting - that always used to work. Let’s attach ourselves.

Tickets are here and there are only about 80 of them.


Come. I’ll be tired. Join me…it’ll be so nice to just support Tristan and sit in the dark with a soda and my kiddo letting the puppet magic take us away.





Hayley Rosenblum

What a delightful treat. Give each other all the hugs for me <3


Used to love blasting János in Wonderland and watching rain fall outside my bedroom window. So excited to see this and you (however brief or far) on Sunday with Val in his hometown. ❤️

Amy Tobol

I LOVE adult oriented, but family friendly, puppetry! I wish I could be there! Stay safe, everybody!

Erika Blumberg

Glad you’ll be able to get out this weekend!


Yeah, we are coming including my teenager.

Laura Morland

Dear Amanda, this link https://amandapalmer.bandcamp.com/track/j-nos-vs-wonderland-2) did not work for me. But I'm discovering more of your magical music on bandcamp! Grateful you're being released from Covidland. The Sunday event sounds wonderful. (P.S. It's my birthday today here in France; ours are pretty close!)


What fun! Just got tix for me and my husband. Probably getting dinner prior at Garden Cafe. Looking forward to it!


The song link has a close paren at the end that needs to be removed. Beautiful song!


Interestingly, Patreon did the right thing when it took what I assume you copy and pasted in and made it a link. This one works for me and seems to cut off the extraneous character at the end.

Laura Morland

Thank you! And you're right: the link I copied-and-pasted works! [Insert head-scratching emoji here]


I have an extra ticket, if anyone wants it DM me.

Nicolai Giedraitis

Such a cool show! And hurray for iPhone users! I am new to Woodstock. Any restaurant recommendations?

Nicolai Giedraitis

Sorry for anyone that I may have unintentionally scared at the Woodstock show. That was a really bad day for me and my family. I was just released from a 7 day long stay at a mental health facility. I didn’t mean to add to anyone’s stress or anxiety, so again I apologize if I unintentionally did that to any of you good people. I’m working on myself.