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Hello My dears.

Watch the video. It feels like this right now. Special thanks to Lance and the Doggo.

Quick Tour/Public service announcement first!!!

Since many people have asked. I will NOT be doing any patron meet-ups before or after the Poughkeepsie and Boston shows. I apologize about this...I would have loved to, but this is one of those moments where I have to prioritize the stage work.

And while Sunday morning would have been a perfect hangover brunch moment for patrons, it's my 47th birthday, and I plan to celebrate it by chucking my phone in a drawer late Saturday night, doing absolutely nothing, and turning my phone on again on Monday morning. I found that lately, that is the greatest gift I can give to myself. Freedom from the phone, from expectation. For those of you in the area....I promise there will be THINGS galore for us all to do together in Boston and Upstate New York. Just gimme a few more seconds to get my shit together. The weather is warming! We will gather.

How are you all doing? I'm reading comments and, as usual. I wanna know.

How I'm doing? Short story: fairly exhausted, confused, happy that spring is here, unsure of many things, and more grateful than ever to be supported by a group of people who resonate with my work. (Yes, that's you). I poured my current state-of-mind-and-heart out pretty deeply in the TED piece that I published a few days ago (called "What it feels like to get divorced—and possibly remarried—at TED 2023: An offering from your emotional-reporter-at-large)......and I was so happy to get back to writing. Fast, furious, full-hearted writing.

And my god, I am so glad the piece resonated with so many people. Some of my new unofficial writing-group friends told me it's the best thing I've written in years. I needed to say so many of the things in that piece - and in many cases, I thought it was just me. No, no, no. Which is what I always learn, and why I love writing fast and putting things out fast. The writing is now.

And dar god, I love being self-published, and having this patreon, and living in a world where I can feel and write and publish all in one moment - one month, one week, one day sometimes -  instead of working with a huge publisher and waiting 18 months for a piece like that to reach its intended audience in a hardback book. Someday I'll collect all of this and release it. Someday I'll write another book. Maybe someday soon. But.

On that note, I'm going to do something unusual at the top of this Althing and ask you - if you read it, if you liked it - to share the TED piece on social media. Since I'm self-published, you are my publicists. I rely on your to share my work for it to make its way out into the world. Here are my posts. Send my dandelion seeds into the field:

It's HERE on FaceBook, if you can share the post.

It's HERE on twitter if you can retweet

and it's HERE on Instagram if you wanna share it there.

Thanking you.

I've got my shows in Poughkeepsie and Boston tonight and tomorrow, then....

the next month is going to be ALL DRESDEN DOLLS.

I've got about two weeks to get new and old material rehearsed - and hopefully new songs worked over and written, with your help....don't you leave me, people - and then the dolls hit the American Road and play Colorado and New Mexico.

Then I come back in early June for a break and then the Dolls head down south to Florida and New Orleans.

I feel disoriented by all of this, but I'm slowly piecing together a way to live, and trying to find a groove. It's difficult, but I know I am not alone.

Many of my friends and loved ones - and many of you here, from what I can read and feel - are feeling ungrooved.

I love you all so much.

Hang in there.

See many of you - from the stage - tonight and tomorrow in Poughkeepsie and Boston.





On the way to TED, I went to Tacoma...

(Photo by roam.tacoma)

(Photo by mermaider_adventures)


And while I was in Tacoma... Julie Samms an amazing patron, helped put together this beautiful PATRON GATHERING.

We gathered in the WW Seymour Botanical Conservatory, I played a few songs, we talked... we connected.

And as a sidenote - this ALMOST DIDN'T HAPPEN. It was really only due to Julie....who put her hand up and volunteered to organize it.

Julie, you are a hero. This community is everything.

I'm hoping to do lots of gatherings like this.

I really miss it.

I need it.

I think we all do.



And then.... NINJATED:

(Photo by Laura Harvey)

As usual, my annual gathering in Vancouver was messy, chaotic, and absolutely beautiful.

We live-streamed the entire thing (thanks to you patrons), and the stream is still up and available to rewatch here: https://www.crowdcast.io/c/ninjated

I'm going to be posting/THINGING up a WHOLE BIG ROUND-UP of the show and the stream, featuring a bazillion beautiful photos, and the time=stamps (in case you wanna just watch certain performers) in the next day or so, boom boom bam, so many things in a row.....so keep an eye on your inboxes for now.



In collaboration with Everpress, we created a new shirt based on the music video for Drowning In The Sound, in honor of Earth Day.

All profits from the shirt are going towards Earth Percent, which is a great charity trying to combat the music industry's effects on climate change.

There's me and pregnant Coco, as photographed by Krys Fox.

The shirt is available for pre-order for the next couple of weeks ONLY, and once the pre-order period is finished, the shirts will be printed exactly to demand, and shipped out.





I also gave one of my very few interviews in recent times - to local Hudson Valley magazine Chronogram. You can read the interview here:



And....here's a great long interview that I just did for WBUR (which is Boston's NPR station):


And a final piece of press from Inside and Out:

Which goes more into my feelings about local stuff....including:

You live in one of the most famous homes in the Hudson Valley, the former home of the late Albert Grossman, Dylan’s manager who was the man who singlehandedly made Woodstock home to rockers. What’s it like living in such a great home. And any ghosts of rockers lurking about?

I think it’s hilarious that a glittery punk is living in hippie-lore central. Ghosts are just stories, and there are plenty of those. But I’m mostly so preoccupied with weaving my own life story that I don’t spend too much time dissecting Bob, Albert and his widow Sally’s stories. They float around.

There was a massive lightning storm the day Sally died that split a huge tree on the property. We all had a chuckle about that one; she went out with a bang. I think all those old-timers would be amused by the fact that the house is now occupied by a single woman and her child, playing host to a whole new generation of irreverent art-makers from a very different lineage.

You’re the mother of a young child, your seven-year-old son Ash. Why do you think the Hudson Valley, and Woodstock in particular, are an ideal venue to raise a child?

Every venue has its costs and benefits. I love the vastness, the streams, the animals and the fact that we are small visitors in a larger nature preserve. I love the small-town simplicity for his little kind. Ash adores his school and that community really stabilizes him. There is also a post-Covid sadness, exhaustion and anxiety in America right now that I don’t think is unique to the Hudson Valley. People are feeling fragile everywhere.

I am really not a fan of guns. Don’t like them one bit, don’t like that they’re all over the place, don’t like that my kid has to do active shooter drills in school. I miss many things about New Zealand and the lack of guns is right up there.

More at:



And, obviously, there was the TED piece:


With its very click-baity, and yet honest, title.

It's going gangbusters on the internet, which makes me happy.

Like I said, I've missed writing true things.



The solo tour continues, through Poughkeepsie and Boston this weekend...

The very last few balcony tickets are still available to snap up here:



And then we roll straight into DRESDEN DOLLS TIME.....

The first couple of cities are right around the corner, and I cannot wait.....



From Alex:

This has been a fun little month for merch projects.

The first thing was the Earth Day shirt (which you can see above) - after getting the email from EVerpress asking us if we wanted to collaborate, Amanda and I talked through some ideas about what could be fun to create based on the Drowning In The Sound video - we looked at a few ideas based on fan art, but then for simplicity we settled on using the powerful image of Amanda and Coco from the video.

We batted a few ideas back and forth between just using the image, adding lyric in various forms...

This was an interesting experience for me - I've had some pretty rudimentary experience using Photoshop, but this was a fun experience to teach myself a little bit more.

Here are a few rough conceptual ideas we tossed around before settling on the above...

And then in other fun news..... I spent a little bit of time researching and image-editing to create a nice little piece of merch for the upcoming Dolls shows - and here is a metal pendant featuring the gorgeous artwork by Niki McQueen!

They're made from stainless steel that's made from up to 63% recycled materials (yay!), and with all fingers crossed should be available at all the upcoming shows.

And in non-AFP news, I wanted to recommend a book this month - Our Wives Under The Sea, by Julia Armfield

It's the story of a woman who returns from an exploratory voyage under the sea, who has come back irrevocably affected and changed, and it's about her wife trying to care for her, and grapple with her own feelings of grief and transformation...

There's a lot going on, but it's also a pretty short read (just over 200 pages), but it's a really beautiful story about queer identity, love, grief, trauma, and truly one of the best things I've read in a long time.

And that'll do us for this month I think.

Until next time - take care of yourselves and each other



{I love you Queen. Steadier and Steadier as we go!!! = AFP



As of this writing there are about 10,200 patrons pledging about $33,000 for the first Thing each month.

A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE FOR NEWCOMERS: you are welcome to (and encouraged to) CAP YOUR PLEDGE. CAP CAP CAP CAP!!!!!

I sometime release one thing a month; sometimes three. We know this can create financial insecurity and uncertainty - so Patreon allows you to cap your pledge. This is, essentially, setting a MAXIMUM amount that you want to pay per month.

YOU CAN BUDGET. Say for example, you're happy to pay $3 per Thing, but you don't want to pay more than $10 a month. In that's the case, you can "cap" your pledge at $10, and whether I release 4 Things or 4,400 Things, you won't be charged more than $10. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, you will still have access to ALL the things/posts/links, even if you cap your pledge!!! It doesn't effect your access.

You can read all about capping your pledge here.

I go over this stuff in every Althing, but if you're new to all this: Patreon charges you monthly & retroactively, meaning that you get billed on the 1st of the month for all the Things released the month prior.

Because people have their pledges capped (SEE ABOVE), the first "Thing" raises the most money by far, and anything released thereafter raises less and less. I LIKE THIS! THIS IS GOOD! It means I never feel guilty about releasing TOO MUCH!!

So really. Please, cap your pledge.


In March, I Thanged TWO Things:

The Living Room Livestream, which earned about $37,248 from 10,211 patrons

Lube and Church Bells (A Piece of Writing), which earned about $15,662 from 5,623 patrons.

The State of All Things: March 2023, which earned about $9,392 from 3,471 patrons.

(we say "about" because patreon may be still trying to process some pledges that have yet to go through...we never know, you know.)

Them's the numbers.

And remember: these numbers are gross. Not net. Meaning: it's the money raised before fees were deducted by patreon and is not the total deposited to me. patreon takes a 5% fee (which they use to build and sustain the platform, which is GOOD) and then there's a payment processing fee, which varies on a ton of factors and is usually between 5-9% of the total collected.

These numbers also do not reflect the money I SPENT MAKING THE ART, paying my staff, paying the office rent, paying for crowdcast, getting myself around, getting the team around and fed and slept, all the collaborators, and my actual staff payroll, etc.

I don't share that level of nitty-detail-stuff with you because I assume it would bore you to fucking tears. but you can trust me: paying for a full-time staff, office, manager, accountant, and massive team of art-collaborators ain't cheap. sometimes we barely break even.



Some of you might remember Tristan Allen from way back when, when we helped him to crowdfund his first album, and I collaborated on one song with him...

Well, now he's created a full-length PUPPET SHOW WITH MUSIC, and it's performing at my fave little neighborhood indie Tinker Street Cinema here in Woodstock, right down the street. Whimsy and wonderfulness.


It's a short show, good for all ages, probably best for kiddos 8 years and up.

You can find tickets and more info on his website:




Here is a gorgeous painting posted by Anna Mulch on facebook...

And - oh my god, Joni Augustine is back at it again, here's a work-in-progress she just posted of her latest portrait of me...

(as a reminder - we are printing up the next round of Art In The Mail, using a commissioned piece from Joni... we've just picked up the prints, and they are looking GORGEOUS, so if you've signed up that'll be heading your way in the next couple weeks, once I've signed them...)



A podcast made by patron James Lark!

Neurotic Literature is a narrative fiction series, each week telling a story that is quirky, funny, often dark and sometimes downright disturbing. There’s a childhood nightmare in which the recriminations of a fusty aunt have lifelong repercussions, a man whose world is turned upside down by a groundless accusation about his bottom, and a dark fairytale about a town’s benefactor causing unexpected problems in death - grim subjects, perhaps, but they have a lot of humour running through them, so can promise to entertain, even if they do live in your mind rent free for a few days afterwards.

This week’s episode is called ‘The Woman Who Ate Her Own Children’, a grisly exploration of marriage and parenthood (and, on another level, a political allegory…). Still to come there is a dystopian future fuelled by background music and a Faustian pact involving memories.

It’s also, even if I do say so myself, a damn good listen with decent production values and I’m very proud of it all. It’s available on all of the standard podcast platforms - links and further information can be found at https://www.jameslark.co.uk/neuroticliterature



(Don't forget - if you have something you want to pimp out, a new project, fundraiser etc, send an email to patronhelp@amandapalmer.net and we'll pick a couple to feature in each month's Althing!)

In closing....

Thank you for your support here. Always.

I'm struggling to keep my head above water, and it's felt like that for many moons now, but I'm slowly gathering my wits about me.

I hope you are, too.

The poem from the end of the video:

The Second Coming


Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds. The darkness drops again; but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?


More soon.

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.

Here we are. Holding.

I love you.




1. if you are a patron and new to my work, don’t forget your patronage allows you access to ALL of my patreon releases to date. HERE is the link to download my latest big solo record, “There Will Be No Intermission”, and HERE is a link to download the PDF of the art/essay book that goes with it.

2. if you’re a patron reading this post via an email notification, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading.

3. see All the Things (over 150 of them) i've made so far on patreon:


4. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

5. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

6. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net


Angel Rosen

Hi! See you soon! We are just an hour and a half away now. ❤️


I found out that the ukulele was made after an instrument called a mâchete. That feels so... You, to me. ( Click the "images" tab on this one: https://www.google.com/search?q=m%C3%A2chete+portugal ) My brother fell in love with you after your Tacoma concert and has now listened to all your albums many times and is learning ukulele. He inspired me. I've been thinking I wanted to so I bought myself one, and now I'm learning too. Got COVID. Tested negative before I flew to see you AND before going to your show... But I had it. Thank goodness I'm not all about sharing colds because I wore masks and hopefully that helped. Makes missing the meetup less sad for me because I didn't pass it along and I got to go home to my family that day... I'm still sick. The fatigue and the lung crap is taking forever to clear up but I'm a lot better than I have been. Thank you, Amanda. For all you share and do. ♥️

jessica conley

I know Anna Mulch, I’m so happy you’re sharing her painting. ❤️


Heehee... Sitting in front of Angel in the car as my husband drives, and we both looked without saying anything about it to each other. I can't wait to see you. I hope you have been practicing self-care and doing the sleeping and eating and hydrating things, mama. Sending love, and I'll see YOU tonight!


So excited to see you in Denver and Santa Fe 🥰😍

Michael Sullivan

See you at the show tonight! I'm bringing my friend to his first AFP concert. ❤

Len Tower Jr.

I suspect there are quite a few private schools and colleges who would hire you to teach without another degree, Though getting a degree at Harvard could be interesting. Enjoy the day & evening. Love, Len

Michael Clark

So much here. Plan to return when k have more time.

Vicki Callanan

I am so glad to hear that you’re prioritising your needs and your space over the next couple of days. I hope the concerts are wonderful in every way and I’ll be cheering you on from the crowd. Sometimes I think about the emotional labour you expend, and it’s such a gift for all of us, but sometimes you gotta shut off the phone and shut out the noise. Take your own flower, take the flowers we are all handing to you, feel the love coming back at you in droves. Take care and I’m sending love from the sky somewhere between London and Logan xx

Ashleigh M. Ferreira-Bartlett

Honestly I'm reeling and seething because I can't afford the medically necessary medication I need. It is all I can think about. I mean, if you're asking. Beyond that, you've probably seen my name so much now about the GODDAMN piece that I'm just blowing more smoke, but that WAS brilliant, and it was (I think) my favorite thing you've ever written. It was so beautifully raw. Also, I have been working on a watercolor to present you and I ALSO have a teeeeeny little birthday surprise/homage planned for the 24th in NOLA. Love you, always. Thank you, always. 🫂


Can't share... I'm not on social media. I'm like an addict with them: I can't do a little bit... and I need to live my life... Do the sleep app!! I'm so here for that. The newer one didn't have your personal bits at the top and that's my favorite part! So glad you let us know this had happened so I could look for it. I LOVE the video. As always. It feels like you're here with me. Thank you for sharing your process with us. Best of luck at all of your upcoming concerts!! <3 You rocked Tacoma and I'm sure you'll do just as well in the other venues. You're a consummate professional and you're really fucking good at what you do! I prefer your solo shows. I can see and hear how fun your Dolls shows are for you and I'm so excited that you get to get back in your Ferrari and take it out. I have no doubt those shows kick ass and I want to go to one some day. But I *needed* that solo show.


Agreeing to the lack of degree need. If you really wanna do it, Amanda, do it! <3 I have a BS in English, fwiw... and you would have been an amazing professor.

Jennifer Okumura

I love you, Amanda! Thank you for the video. Thank you for all the updates. Thank you for reading us the whole poem! And thank you so much for the kisses 😘! I love you so much! ❤️


I left this patreon a few years ago around the start of the pandemic (I think??) and now I'm back :) Your "welcome to patreon" message stills says you're in Aotearoa btw.

Charlene Tarsa

Love the video, love you, lots and LOTS of hugs ❤️I’m so sorry this is such a difficult time, and…it will pass. It might take fucking forever, but it won’t really, it will get easier. Can’t wait for the show tonight, please relax, we will love it no matter what!


Wow, after the TED piece and video you posted I was thinking about how you reading and talking for one of those sleep apps would be perfect. Your idea sounds way better honestly. Holy cow maybe what you manifest into the world actually works (sometimes, haha). That would be exciting.

Kris Smerick

I am a philosophy professor (well now dean-ing but hey); I've often taught WWI poets as part of how I teach my 20th century philosophy course, which I call "Relativity and Disaster". That Yeats poem has haunted and followed me since my early days as an English/philosophy major, feeling All the Big Feelings and Reading the Important Things. At its best, teaching is sharing. But the grading sucks. :-)


Going to see the NY Poughkeepsie show with my sister later today. Our dog passed away just earlier today in her sleep. Lots of emotional exhaustion. It's been a rough day, but we are thankful for her being in our lives for over ten years. I'm glad to always come back to this community when I need a moment.

Julie Sweetin

one of my favourite The Cranberries song is about Yeats! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvVob4vzVls I think it's really interesting how we are experience such similar things as people did back when Yeats wrote the poem you read in this video. On the one hand, it's....I don't know the right word to use here...astonishing? Amazing? Horrible?....that we can feel so much commonality with what people were experiencing nearly 100 years ago. But the difference for us is, we have this new tool, the internet, that connects us not just with each other but with our past. So many of us are SEEING exactly what is happening now, based on what we've learned from before, but also based on what we know about what is happening to each other, right now. So many of us are seeing now, what the poets saw back then. There is something both absolutely heart-warming and terrifying about it all. We are all collectively freaked out. I feel emotional not just for myself and my own family's situations, but also the situations of billions of people that I don't even know. The scope of everything is torrential. Making art is more important now than ever. I want to get fucking weird because the catharsis of being absurd is so very healing in these ridiculous and astonishing times. There is a line in Star Trek: Strange New World that I watched recently which happens in a very good episode about fate, compassion, respect, and communicating through music which I think is super on point: "Sometimes the situation gets so bad, you just have to laugh". And girl, you are already a teacher. YOU ARE ALREADY TEACHING.


As a creator, I’ve been having ongoing problems with Patreon, too, even as I’m feeling the community strengthening with those I’m following. Without any help from customer service (a channel to which is ridiculously hard to dig out), I’ve taken matters into my own hands—and a page from your “book”: I’m limiting Patreon posts to text and basic audio and shuffling everything else over to Substack, doing audio versions on both sites for paid subscribers. (Thanks for the idea!) Anything that feels too intimate/personal for the general public easily goes behind the paywall for supportive community. So far I’m finding Substack to be way better developed and maintained. I’ll stay on Patreon for the foreseeable future for my people here—just at a level at which it can handle me.

Nick Barnes

Sleeping gets harder as we get older. Top unsolicited sleep tips, in order of importance: - Read the book "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker and think about it; - cut out caffeine, after noon at least, completely if possible; - ditto alcohol.


Hi Amanda! Excited for the Denver show! I saw the Dolls first at Black Cat in DC and have followed you many places, including online during Covid. I know you hate guns. There are people out there with an action plan to get them banned: here4thkids.com Please check it out!!


Is there no way to go to the Meow Wolf show now that its sold out? i know it says sold out but i'm kinda holding out hope for anything.


So excited for your concert tonight! My best friend and I got to Poughkeepsie early today to pre-game by getting flamingo and gnome tattoos as a Dresden Dolls (Night Reconnaissance) homage. Your music means so much to us and our friendship. Sending all the love! ❤️

Terry Green

The Chronogram interview really is outstanding. Congratulations to you both.

Lyndzy Olives

Your reading of the poem gave me chills. Tacoma was amazing and I'm sad I didn't make it to the gathering. Looking forward to future events and so excited to hear new Dresden Dolls... I feel like everyone is in an in between, strange transition period, but I think the vibes are turning good. I feel like there is positive energy coming along at last. Wishing you the best 🖤✨


Break a leg at the concert tonight as a Hudson valley native it’s very exciting to have a performance locally


There is so much packed into this SOAT I'm going to have to go back and follow all the links later. But this: You already are a teacher. You create, you express what's going on and what it means, You perform. You love us, all of us. That is a good teacher. Plus thanks for reading the entirety of the Yeats poem, you did it really well and it's been years since I heard it read allowed.

Liz Campbell Vidreiro

As an English teacher, I can tell you, Amanda, that although I think you would be a great English teacher (since you are so caring and empathetic and creative), I think you would be disappointed. I spend so little time doing the things I thought I would be doing and so much time trying to keep up with everything, making sure my students know I love them, and providing meaningful feedback on their writing and ideas.




Hugs if you'd like them! It's so painful to lose a beloved pet. ♥️♥️

Sara Wright

You are our teacher. Thanks for the poetry!!! YALP! x

Nicolai Giedraitis

Hello! Long time listener, first time concert attender… loved the show last night! The choices you make really resonate with me. Are you open to suggestions on album titles?


I don't know a better/more active place to post this, but if anyone needs a ride from maine and back to the Boston show tonight, my partner and I are driving there and back tonight. I know Boston involves driving or staying overnight so just want to offer a third option❤️❤️

Chris Palermo

Awesome concert Amanda! Happy Birthday, thank you for being you and look forward to the next ninja pop up concert or sleep app or ideas! Keep it up and coming!

Elaine Wilson

Those pendants...! Any plans to make them available online? I hesitated in buying the shirt because I wanted just that design without the frame, and the pendant is perfect!

Ryan Hawley

T’was a beautiful show. Converted my boyfriend- will be at a Dresden show soon….and will by stopping by Woodstock this summer 😉


Should be!! It may be after the tour... -Alex

Lindsay Rickman

Thank you for being transparent about the money stuff and wise enough to keep it general. I'm assuming your Certified Personal Accountant is somebody awesome and magical with the maths and the figures. I am an artist who's been employed with the California State Franchise Tax Board for one year now and it's been VERY educational. Cheers to you, Amanda!