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OH MY LORD! Premature post there. Sorry.

This proves how tired I am. I pressed publish when I meant to press save. HERE IS THE POINT:

I know I am always banging on at y'all to cap your pledges. We are about to release three things at the end of the month in quick succession: my long-form piece of writing about TED, the wrap for the NinjaTED stream (which I stupidly forgot to charge for because I was so busy running around doing the show itself) and - as usual - the Althing.

I want you all to feel comfy and happy in your patronage.

Capping your pledge is easy and simple. You still GET EVERYTHING - all posts, all perks, all links, all everything. 

It just means that you never need to exceed a monthly budget if I put out a ton of stuff. I don't recommend capping your pledge if you're only in for $1, but if you're a $75 person and you really don't ever want to go over $150, cap it, cap it, cap it.

You can read all about capping your pledge here.

Do it. 

I'm about to go wild.

I love you.

X afp




bring it the fuck onnnn

Natalie Gelman

I was all "oooo a photo only post so clear and to the point" genius. But you're still always amazing!


I know you wouldn't have meant it to come over this way but "I don't recommend capping your pledge if you're *only* in for $1" isn't recognising how some folk are actually having to account for every last dollar, and kind of feels like 75 $1 patrons shouldn't look out for themselves the way one $75 patron should.

Lynn Robinson

Much love and hugs ❤️🤗🧘🏼


I was about to say exactly this and then I saw your comment. Amanda, I'm a $1 patron, I'm currently capped at one Thing/month, as a Canadian that ends up being CAD$1.50/Thing, and I have yet to land a job that pays well (indeed, my current job has barely given me any work since December '21 and since I realized HOW untrustworthy said employer is about a year ago, I've been trying to find another job: it's hard). The cost of living is currently very high here in Canada, and most of my money goes to things like groceries. Your words are honestly rather hurtful.

Julia Mason

Go ahead and cap, nobody is forcing you but please go outside and get some sunshine. It's free.


Yay, more great stuffs!


Thank you! I'm a long-time fan but I finally got to read your book and just became a patron. I'm so happy to be here in your community! ❤️❤️❤️

Dianne Pater

❤️ I'm just here to say... I get to see you in two days! 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

Janet in Georgia

The excitement!! Can’t wait to see what’s to come ❤️

Mary Ann Wesselman

Patreon won’t let me post this (it’s too long, I reckon) so I’m going to break it up and try again. Here goes. One of the things I love about Amanda is that she has a $1 level for her Patreon. It’s a clear statement that everyone matters, all are welcome, and we’re all of equal importance to her. And that, at least in Amandalanda, ART IS FOR EVERYONE. I think it’s punk as fuck of her. It’s her saying: Come to my cabaret—no matter how much you make—I want all you motherfuckers to be old friends. To me, though, as (I think) for Neil P and Annapurna, what Amanda wrote in this particular post did not come across that way. I think it’s OK to let her know that. (Continued in replies)

Mary Ann Wesselman

Also, we don’t all have the same easy access to everything. Eh, that’s life. But here is an example anyway: If you were to tell me to go outside to get some sunshine—it’s free after all—I’d reply, well, hmm, first I’m in Portland, and except for yesterday and today, it’s been gray for days. Nooooo sunshine. Gray, gray, gray. Second, the elevator in the building I’m in has been out for two weeks. And I’m on the sixth floor. To “go” anywhere, I use a walker or wheelchair. Again, that’s life. It’s cool. I can deal. That said, the only time I’ve “gone outside” since April 14th, was to go to Amanda’s concert in Tacoma. I won’t bore you with what all that took, but I was in bed for two days after it. So worth it. Sooooo worth it. Where am I going with this. I guess what I’ve been trying (and probably failing because part of me has zero equanimity and is flat out pissed about this) is to figure out a kind and actually helpful way to say that when I read both Amanda’s comment on $1 people not capping, and my fellow patron’s comment to “go outside and get some sunshine,” it stung. It stung. Plus it felt a bit “let them eat cake” to me. But Amanda ain’t no Antoinette. And Julia, I bet your aren’t either. My guess? You are a kind and caring, very cool person who likes to help people look on the bright side. Still, stung, it did.

Mary Ann Wesselman

Some history: I was once a $25 a month patron. Then, my sitch changed. I quit being a patron because of it. The one dollar level felt too hard because, even though it was “only” a dollar, I could not be sure that one dollar would be available on my credit card or in my bank account when Patreon payment time came due. It was one more thing, however small, that felt like a psychic drain at what for me was a hard time. It made my stomach tense every time I thought about it. Amanda would not want this for me, I thought, so I quit. When you’re not currently in that situation, though, it can seem pretty ridiculous to have so much energy around one dumb dollar. I get that. I look back at how worried about that $1 I was and it’s already (very thankfully) fading and I can’t quite remember exactly what that was like. Yet, the struggle was, and is, as they say, real.

Mary Ann Wesselman

Now I’m back here on Amanda’s Patreon and at least for now, I’m at $10 a month. That level is me pushing it as far as I possibly can on my fixed income because I want to give the absolute most I can. I’m able to do that in part because I cap it at once a month. In the end, my TLDR on caps and levels would have been: I appreciate how often Amanda reminds us it’s ok to cap. I did not appreciate her seeming to indicate in this post who it was ok to cap for.

Mary Ann Wesselman

I think she unintentionally diminished the $1 level folks. Like I said, that stung, and I feel ok letting her know that. Ouch, Amanda. (Oh wow! I went to post this and Amanda has already acknowledged it and apologized. Thank you, Amanda. This hit me hard though, so I’m going to go ahead and finish.)

Mary Ann Wesselman

I also think she may have screwed herself out of some sweet money by suggesting the $75 people should cap. Because maybe at least some of the people who are $75 levelers are the very people who could also afford $150 or $225 a month with no trouble, without really noticing. Maybe their $225 is a much smaller part of their income than my $10 is for me. That’s for them to decide, as it is for each of us.

Mary Ann Wesselman

I do want to thank the $75 and above people for their contribution. Y’all rock. My guess is your existence (along with her punk love for everyone) is part of what’s behind Amanda being able to offer a $1 level. Few do on Patreon, at least from what I’ve seen. So, thank you for choosing a high level. And thank you, Amanda for having all the levels.

Mary Ann Wesselman

In the end, I want to thank everyone on this Patreon. Together we are finding a new way to support art, to create a warm and caring community, and to support a very cool artist. We, by being patrons, are saying art is truly for everyone. I think that’s punk as fuck of us.

Tracey Stokes

Your Birthday in 3 days our time. 4 days your time. You are doing a show that night & you must be quite busy the next days leading up to this day. I hope it be a turning point for you. Summer will be there with you soon. Meanwhile, I wish everything gorgeous for you.What ever you wish for, I wish for you. I wish even more for you.💜

Toetsie Zwitserlood

Im a happy one dollar patron, as my ten a month goes to the Ocean Cleanup. We all have to set our own priorities ;) Dear Mary Ann, THANKS! xx Toetsie

Len Tower Jr.

Amanda noted it was insensitive in a reply on " Neil P" comment above. -Len

Kathryn Drew

Surely some revelation is at hand

Kathryn Drew

Bless you dear sister ... this was a particularly deep one for you, in ways that are not literally obvious. So many layers of metaphor. It really has been an intentse time for you hasn't it . I love you darling one. Thank you for sharing your vulnerability xxxx