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Hello My loves...

🥁 QUICK ONE: SAVE THE TIME/DATE, THIS FRIDAY March 17th - St. Paddy's Day! - at 5-7pm EST....I am trying to put together (crossy crossy crossy fingers) a BEAUTIFUL SURPRISE FROM-HOME WEBCAST for ALL PATRONS... with my illustrious surprise house guests & local pals (writers/poets/musicians). What do we call it? Prairie Home Webcast? Tiny House Livestream? Deep Woods Livecast? Stopping by a Livestream on a Snowy Evening? St. Patrick's Digital Hootenany at Amanda's? Maybe I'll do a poll. Gimme a sec. And gimme ideas. We're gonna thing this thing.



As I've been saying, my beloved band, The Dresden Dolls (and if you don't know about my band, just trust me that my Band is Great, and Especially Great When We Play Live) is GEARING UP TO TOUR AND MAKE A NEW RECORD. SLOWLY. Real slowly. We have been gradually announcing four weekends in four cities in four TINY clubs that all fit less than 500 people.

ALL FOUR CITIES HAVE NOW BEEN ANNOUNCED, and the password to access tickets is going to be revealed to The Dresden Dolls mailing list at 5pm EST, TODAY. The tickets themselves for ALL CITIES go on sale this MONDAY, March 13th at 10am (local time in each city).

MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON THE DRESDEN DOLLS EMAIL LIST, this is your last chance y’all!!

The tickets will almost deifnitely sell out on Monday when they go on sale. Set alarms. (And if you're not in one of these cities, WHY NOT CARPOOL? Go to the shadowbox of the FB group and start a thread. All links to those are pasted way down below.)


On top of that, ALL FIVE TOUR DESIGNS have now been revealed, all created by South African artist Niki McQueen and graphic designed by Andrew Nelson, and oh my GOD are they beautiful....

We also heeded the call for all those of you who are FAR AWAY but still wanted poster prints and t-shirts made from Niki's art.

All five designs are on sale for pre-order NOW on the band's website. The individual four city designs as less expensive poster prints; the main "trapeze" image is being printed as a higher archival-quality print and as a t-shirt. 

ALL THE MERCH IS ready for pre-order here on the dolls site, and will be shipped right after the whole tour ends (at the end of June/start of July...give us a second to recover.)


This dolls/design collaboration with Niki MCqueen - who's been surviving and navigating a very dark era of her life, just like me (just like...many of us) - has been one of the most nourishing and beautiful synchronicities of art/music/life I've gotten to experience in a long time.

Niki reached out to me on instagram and her images really spoke to my heart. It just so happened that it was RIGHT around the time I needed to find an artist to work on the dolls tour.

I missed this bit. It's about a lot more than just the art.

It's about the dot-connecting, especially with other survivors and wayfarers who are on the same road, and getting to give work to artists who need to work, not just for money, but for soul-healing.

Niki wrote up a whole little piece about it on her site,

...It was a dark time when I messaged Amanda Palmer and sent her a couple of pictures I had made, which she’d inspired.....

you can read the whole thing here.

And if you wanna support Niki directly and buy a print of JUST the raw art, she's got very very small number of prints for sale in her Etsy store. I know the extra cash would mean a lot to her. I want to support her, so if you're into real-ass art collecting....do it.


I've been a little quiet over here, but that's not because I've been quiet. It's because it's been CLEANING SEASON. Michael and I (and an assortment of friends and helpers) have been knee-deep in cleaning out old tour boxes, fan mail boxes, costume boxes, finding treasures...it's been a beautiful time of intense reflection as I get ready for whatever (and wherever) this next chapter is going to bring my life.

First sort, then figure.

It feels so, so good to finally have the bandwidth - emotionally and physically - to do the DEEP sort. I have been wanting to have the time to do this since coming back from New Zealand in June. 

I just opened up three boxes that I mailed to myself from Melbourne in 2020...thinking I would see the stuff in three weeks.

Books I was reading. Clothes I was wearing. Drawings Ash was working on.

It was like looking in to a time-capsule of a softer time, a different version of me, and the kiddo. That poor girl had NO idea what was about to happen to her life, and that she wouldn't see the stuff in those boxes for three years. 


I love that my friends are here to help.

Want a pot?

A metal rod?

A knitted uterus? (We have several).

A melotron?

A sequined corset-costume rejected from the Leeds United video shoot in 2007??

So. Much. Crap.


I'm reading/responding to comments. Say hi.

I love you.



1. if you are a patron and new to my work, don’t forget your patronage allows you access to ALL of my patreon releases to date. HERE is the link to download my latest big solo record, “There Will Be No Intermission”, and HERE is a link to download the PDF of the art/essay book that goes with it.

2. if you’re a patron reading this post via an email notification, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading.

3. see All the Things (almost 200 of them) i've made so far on patreon:


4. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

5. are you new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

6. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




I live in Boca Raton Florida. If Dresden Dolls are playing in Orlando... 1) I live in Boca Raton, a 3 1/2 hr drive. 2) i wood hafta stay at a motel. Not sure i can afford all that, including the ticket. If someone can put me up that night after show, that would make my chance to go easier to stomach. I have an air mattress, so can be put in any corner. i rarely get to see a performer i love and I love AFP, but as usual, it may be outta my reach. I still hope to see her live one day and get to say hello to her. As it stands, i may never see another live concert because no one i love ever gets close to my area. u can write me at thereet@gmail.com.


I'm taking next week off work and originally I was supposed to clean and organize the house and now I'm just going to relax. Except on Tuesday night I'm driving to Indiana to meet corporate work people to walk through a new hospital on Wednesday we're getting that I'll be supporting because that's fun. Then vacation the rest of the week and back to Northwest Indiana on. Monday to do projecty things and begin chaos that I'm making sure has a bunch of musical interludes. Is it Naptime yet? I'm supposed to be packing things to ship out of my office but I'm tired.


Wow, the plane dropping books hit me in the gut. All those images are stunning.


Hi Amanda!! I’m cleaning too, it’s hard and stuff can be beautiful and fun but also heavy….


YOU'RE COMING TO DENVER!!! I'm so excited. Thank you. I'm going to have a bilateral mastectomy on Monday for breast cancer and you just made my day.

Kris Smerick

Hi! Just hi. Open those 2020 boxes gently.


I’m a new pelvic floor occupational therapist and would love a (or some) knit uterus for my office! In case you want to give away some. Will pay for shipping. 🤣🤣🤣 (I am serious though, but also totally get it if you just want to get rid of all the extra stuff lol.) it’s so hard to make time to go through old stuff, but also so liberating to let things go!!!


Too much stuff is the bane of my existence right now. I have to unstick myself and get rid of it. The Dolls artwork is beautiful. Sad that none of the small shows are near me. I do and have traveled for gigs but not sure I can make these work. But joy to those who can. 🥰

Nathan Williams

Oh Lordy I wish I had a car ! I would drive to New Mexico!!! Never seen the mighty Dresden dolls before !! Been a fan since 2004 tho!!

Nathan Williams

What a NEW RECORD??!! Hell fucking YES!!!


You're doing the thing! You're opening boxes and going through stuff!! Good job! ♥️💪


I don't mean this patronizingly. You do much more than I do and are always doing stuff. I'm just proud of you because this was an especially hard one. It feels good to go through stuff, though. Especially stuff you've been wanting to go through.


I live in Boca Raton Florida. If Dresden Dolls are playing in Orlando... 1) I live in Boca Raton, a 3 1/2 hr drive. 2) i wood hafta stay at a motel. Not sure i can afford all that, including the ticket. If someone can put me up that night after show, that would make my chance to go easier to stomach. I have an air mattress, so can be put in any corner. i rarely get to see a performer i love and I love AFP, but as usual, it may be outta my reach. I still hope to see her live one day and get to say hello to her. As it stands, i may never see another live concert because no one i love ever gets close to my area. u can write me at thereet@gmail.com.


I am a patreon member and recently signed up for The Dresden Dolls mailing list, but didn’t get a presale code and I really want to see you guys! I’m in Santa Fe and the presale tickets for Meow Wolf go on sale tomorrow. Please help if you can!


Hi! Life is just blending in on itself. Every day blends together, I'm so tired of life and I'm 18, like I have to do this for at least 50 years?!


If anyone is out there, Please help! The web site is not working for purchasing the Orlando Tickets ! Keep getting Error message "not able to connect to data bade" AHHHHH Please help or notify someone on Amanda's staff!

Jennifer Harnage

Ralph and others:: I was having the same problem with it not connecting me to the database. I just kept trying and eventually got in. It took about 30 minutes. Just watch your checkout box because by the time I got to the page, I had 6 tickets in my cart when I only needed 2. But I got them. See you guys in Orlando on the 17th. OMG, that's going to be the best weekend of my life. The Dolls on Saturday and Tori Amos the next night!!!!!! ♡♡

Jennifer Harnage

Just keep trying. I was getting the same response but finally got through after about 30 minutes of trying.


I had the same problem in Denver 😭 waited from 9:30 and still couldn't grab tickets. Oh dearest AFP please help us 😭😭😭

Amy Gleixner

Whelp this is what i get for not checking my email for five days. :P any chance the presales still have tickets and you might resend the dolls email for the latecomers?


Ooooh, a melotron! Who doesn’t want one of those?!! What’s better than a melotron? Tix for Nola! 💙😎


So excited for the tour, but I also missed the presale code email until now. I did sign up for the Dresden dolls email chain but a bit late. Hope to see you in Santa Fe, Moving there in 1 week!!

And Steiner

I would like a knitted uterus. Maybe you could just send me a care package of hospital-appropriate randomness to brighten my stay Amanda? EASILY be taped to a wall... 💜🖤 "Love."

Holly Smith

Anybody figure out why ticket sales didn’t work?

Amethyst Liddell

I'm currently still trying to figure that out myself; glad to see I'm not the only one...


You’re an inspiration and your work has had an influence on my art! Can’t wait to see you in New Orleans, maybe me and my partner will catch a ride with someone to make it more exciting!


This may not be the place to ask this, but I have an extra ticket to Amanda's show in Boston if anyone wants it, free of charge of course. I just don't want it to go to waste.

Misty Dawn Thomas

🖤💜 I always enjoy the memories that deep cleaning and sorting brings up. Sometimes they are painful, sometimes they are joyful, but most often cathartic. I'm so happy that you are getting to do this and with friends. I am looking forward to seeing you in Denver and will be driving up from Dallas to do so. Also, I would love a crocheted uterus. 😁

Amethyst Liddell

... Ack. Did you ever end up getting in? I've been trying since the start of the presale, and even once they went public, Ticketmaster just kept crashing and I couldn't get through.

Lindsay Rickman (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-20 23:28:45 This post is one of my favorites so far. Your new art space looks AMAZING. And like so much fun. I've followed the artist on Etsy and have marked the work on my favorites list. DEEP clean, DEEP reflection and time to deep dive, that's exactly where I'm at right now and it's such a thankful, gracious place to be. Please sign me on to your Happy Knitted Uterus Club. <3 <3 <3
2023-03-20 19:27:07 This post is one of my favorites so far. Your new art space looks AMAZING. And like so much fun. I've followed the artist on Etsy and have marked the work on my favorites list. DEEP clean, DEEP reflection and time to deep dive, that's exactly where I'm at right now and it's such a thankful, gracious place to be. Please sign me on to your Happy Knitted Uterus Club. <3 <3 <3

This post is one of my favorites so far. Your new art space looks AMAZING. And like so much fun. I've followed the artist on Etsy and have marked the work on my favorites list. DEEP clean, DEEP reflection and time to deep dive, that's exactly where I'm at right now and it's such a thankful, gracious place to be. Please sign me on to your Happy Knitted Uterus Club. <3 <3 <3