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(public post - official thing)

hallo loves, 

greetings from sydney. i've just set up a recording session in tasmania (i'm there soon) - i'm going to record one new song i've got brewing and one surprise jherek-quartet cover, because we can't stop. and, tasmania. i've never recorded in tasmania.

$3+ patrons: watch your inboxes for download code AND $10 folks...watch also for webcast information ! webcast is TOMORROW/THE DAY AFTER depending where you are: 10 am wednesday in sydney, which means 4 pm tuesday New York time).

my dear dears. i've had this song, a lush many-layered soup of vocals and drunken piano that i recorded in boston during a long one-day session, sitting in the vault for over two years. 

waiting for a good moment. that moment is now...it's mid-winter, post-election, and everybody i know is struggling to some extent to not tune out and drown themsleves in the proverbial cocktail glass of death.

the team and i  put together a project page for the song on my site...with the help of jason webley, who, along with a dead woman named maragret, inspired the whole thing...you'll see why. it was recorded and mixed (just me, no band, no jherek) before i was pregenant.

as you'll note in the post: i didn't write the lyrics. 

margaret did.

there's also a very wet, trippy video to aid your listening experience, co-directed by julie atlas muz and karl giant and edited by michael mcquilken, i'm making it available on vimeo only for maximum hi-res trip.

everything is on the project page, go read!!


i love you all, here's to cleaning out the crypt and making room for all the art that is currently being compsted in australia, and mostly:

thank you all for your support of all that i do. 

it means everything to me...and to others. your patronage on this project paid about twenty artists,  engineers, actors, editors (and babysitters).

let's make more.



p.s this photo, which was taken at the trippy video shoot, by krys fox

-----------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS-----------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. i know, i know. 

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things/

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland/

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:





That picture, though. <3


LOVED the video so much. So sad. So beautiful. Thank you and the team for creating x


This is sheer beauty


Just now got around to this. Downloaded the song and listened first. Liked it a lot. Came over here and watched the video, Loved it. Wow!


Loved the song & the story xx