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Hello my upper-tier loves.

Well - it took a moment, didn’t it.

After moving back and forth between New Zealand and America twice, I finally took a couple days to dedicate to you and writing the postcards that I bought on Waiheke island over a year and a half ago. It took that long.

You know me. No guilt. I do what I do when I can do. It’s why the postcards aren’t promised at exact 9 month intervals. Oh, hell no.

But as usual, writing these cards didn’t feel like a chore. I always wait til it feels like a joy again.

Over two weekend days two weeks apart, I sat on my couch, I splayed by the fireplace, I took some to a coffeeshop, and all in all I wrote different messages of thanks and gratitude to all 35 or so of you.

The cards went to Canada, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, Austria…and allll over the USA.

I had to go to two different post offices to find some international stamps.

It was fun.

Some of you are new, some of you have been here since 2015.

The overall feeling of thankfulness in my heart - for all of you - is immense.

I really spent those two days postcard-writing deeply contemplating what it meant that this money - your money, your patronage, your support - made my time in New Zealand possible.

Made my life possible.

Made my son Ash’s life easier.

Made it so I didn’t have to hustle bad, soul-sucking gigs in desperation. I don’t know if I can explain the extent of how much the patronage helped me survive the pandemic. But it concretely did, and this tier is a huge chunk of the patreon - about 10% of it.

It’s real. It really made my life work.

I hope my little postcard-gesture back at all of you find you all well, navigating this shitshow of a world as best you can, and …. I just love you all.

I am also praying, now that I am home and finding my footing a little, slowly, that I can host a little $100 patron dinner or lunch at my house in Woodstock NY - promised so long ago before Covid ate the world. This spring or summer ….? Who could come …?

Tell me.

I appreciate you all so much.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Say hi in the comments will ya? And maybe let me know if and when you get your cards.



ps. reminder: the shows coming up in Tacoma, Boston, Poughkeepsie and now Vancouver are open to you if you want guest list. Just let Michael/me know (michael@amandapalmer.net, a@amandapalmer.net)

Gig schedule: https://amandapalmer.net/events/Vancouver is April 19 @ the Vogue - glitches, it’s not up there yet.

Reading comments for that, too.




beautiful! win win!


Here I am down on the bottom rung of your Patreon echelon—and I certainly don’t expect any cool bonuses like this where I am—but I just want to say it’s lovely you do this, and I’m glad the rest of us are (albeit accidentally) privy to your method. Thanks for sharing.

Damian Masterson

I’m a fan of those Webb Telescope stamps. That’s what I’m using for everything at the moment. Would, of course, make the trip up for a meal, and am available to help if needed. Otherwise, I’ll see you (and whomever else is coming) in Poughkeepsie.


I’m *probably* in, depending on the timing.


I'd love to, but I don't think my neck could take that long of a drive. Have fun!


I agree! This post was a lovely peek at how the patronage affects your life, and I love how you view writing those postcards.

Timothy Kreuter

(Not at that tier but that’s okay) There’s something so… je ne sais, cathartic? pleasurable?… about handwritten notes and letters. While I do use an iPhone and iPad, having an Apple Pencil to use on a journal app where I WRITE instead of type scratches some strange itch in me. I know it does for you too.

Kris Smerick

I love this community. I love this window into care and relation for those who have the means to support like this. It’s just lovely all around.

Grace Beaster

Ngā mihi nui $100 Patrons! You make so many lives better with your koha. Loving the snail mail rewards too. Ka pai!

Teresa Toro

I'd happily come to dinner! Rolf and I would make a mini-holiday of it (he'll find plenty to do while I'm Patreoning with everyone). He fell in love with Woodstock when we went for the Dresden Dolls shows: we stayed at an adorable little inn (The Herndon) that had vinyl 70s records and he was in ecstasy playing through them all, and then going out for hikes and coming back to snack on organic treats he'd bought nearby. He kept exclaiming, "I love it here! It's so pretty! Let's buy a house!" – and I sort of goggled at him thinking, who are you and what did you do with my husband?


The Belgium postcard has arrived! Thank you, sending much love to everyone 🥳