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VANCOUVER!!! It’s been a second.

YAAAAY Exciting news:

i just sent a mailer as well so feel free to ignore if you got the info there BUT

I’ll be in Vancouver for the TED conference in April, so….WE ARE BACK with the 4th EDITION OF NINJATED, and as usual ALL PROFITS WILL GO TO THE GREATER VANCOUVER FOOD BANK.

If you aren’t familiar with NinjaTED… I first started doing these thrown-together variety concerts back in 2014, when I was attending the TED conference. I tweeted around to local theaters to see if anyone wanted to host a salon of random TED speakers and local performers, so that the community of Vancouver could share in the talent and brains that TED brings to town, without having to pay a gazillion dollars to get into the conference itself.

Within 48 hours, the Vogue Theatre offered to loan us their theater FOR FREE, a bunch of my local friends, TED speakers, and performers joined us on stage, and we passed the hat around the audience to raise money for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank. It was total chaos and a total blast, (as you can see from this article in the local paper).

I had so much fun that I did it again the next year, and then again, and it’s become a kinda tradition.

The guests that first year included musician Imogen Heap, Canadian astronaut-hero Chris Hadfield playing guitar, my local pacific northwest sister Jason Webley, a football player named Chris Kluwe talking about empathy, social scientist Amy Cuddy sharing her wisdom, and Del Harvey, from the "spam and abuse" department of twitter. That’s the sort of variety and guestage you can expect….. but also it might be absolutely nothing like that.

(Me and Chris Hadfield, an actual Astronaut)

Other guests over the years have included Adam Savage from Mythbusters, actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt, actor/rapper Riz Ahmed, internet pioneer Jaron Lanier (author of “Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now” ), all-female Latin alternative band LADAMA, slam poet Sarah Kay, writer Maria Popova and many, many more creators from around the globe.

There’s some great photos (and captions etc) here:



Usually I don’t even know who’ll be performing at the show until that week; sometimes literally the day before or the day OF the show. It’s a chaotic and wonderful surprise for us all, and anyone’s who’s been can attest to the electric energy in the room!

If you want a little audio taste of NinjaTED…

Back in 2018, we used money from Patreon to RECORD THE WHOLE GIG, and then in 2019 released it as a digital album to the world, for a minimum cost of $5 (again to benefit the Greater Vancouver Food Bank):


It’s a great listen.


This year’s NinjaTED will be happening

Wednesday April 19th

at The Vogue Theatre

918 Granville St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1L2, Canada

Tickets - with all profits going to the Vancouver Food Bank - are a mere $20 and are on sale NOW:


Guest-list level patrons: please, since this is a benefit, BUY TICKETS! If you miss the bait and this sells out fast, I’ll try to help you out if i can. Just email.



Don’t forget I’ll be touring SOLO for three other shows…

BOSTON AND POUGHKEEPSIE are very nearly sold out,

and I need help spreading the word about TACOMA, which has sold over 1,200 tickets but is a MASSIVE theater to fill - so please help me spread the word about that one.








(NinjaTED 2024 poster design by Andrew Nelson, photo by Allan Amato)




charge us to film it! It’s the single greatest thing you’ve ever done - bring all the most incredible people together. I love it so much and please would you film it xx


There's a wonderful walk up poutine vendor a few blocks away from The Vogue for anyone attending!

Janet in Georgia

Thing it to film it. ❤️ I wish I could see it live. In person. My dream is to one day see evelyn evelyn live “they” didn’t come to Atlanta when “they” toured :) I love seeing you and Jason perform together. It’s magical. Have you seen my sister evelyn has been my ringtone for my older sister Kathy since that album was released and I figured out how to make a song a ringtone. 🤣 but I digress.. have a lovely evening, dear Amanda.

Carmen J

Wow... just WOW. I wish! x

Grace Beaster

Love both those posters. These gigs sound so brave and golden.

And Steiner

Amanda, would you be willing to send me a copy of the poster in which your tits are (unfortunately) covered by uke-wings? Oh these concrete walls are beggin' for it. ♥️


Awesome news! You do good and wholesome things, Amanda, and I'm sure people around the world are grateful to you for this.


so glad you're doing another one of these! My brass band is excited about coming out if you need us- Wednesday is our practice night anyway, and some of us played in the Orkestar that did the first few NinjaTEDs (as well as the Grand Theft Orchestra)


Oh, you are amazing! NINJA TED is, in my opinion, the most amazing creative event ever. Let this year's event be even more magnificent!


See you in Vancouver!!! Ahhhh I can’t wait.


Hia!! I think we connected - if you’re band is Balkan Schmalken, I got an email from Ashton!! Is that the one?


It is! He's our bandleader/manager-type; glad you two got in touch :-)