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Well hello everyone…

Greetings from New Zealand where I have three days left to make the most of the summer moment with my youngling…while juggling a huge touring announcement.

Before all the touring and ticketing stuff starts firing, I just wanted to welcome in the 100+ new patrons who joined up in the last 24 hours.

It’s nice here - and it’s extra-nice when a whole new lot of people show up.

New people: where you from (I assume a lot of folks are from the USA) and how are you? Tell us a little about yourself. Anything goes over here. Long or short or as personal as you want. HOORAY YOU ARE SAFE FROM SOCIAL MEDIA! Everybody here is nice.

And patrons in general: where you checking in from and how’s everybody doing?

I am having a fragile-as-fuck week here down on the South Island of New Zealand and have little time to process and think but much to share. Deeper thoughts coming soon when I post the Althing (for the new folks; that’s the monthly newsletter where I check in and share life & patron & community news).

Old-school folks (and new! we are all One), please welcome people in.

Comment away on each other’s comments.

Waving from down here…and so honored to be here, as usual.



Here’s a little photo drop from the last few days in Queenstown.




From Guernsey, near the UK - please come do some shows over here!!! UK/Europe - I'll travel! 🌞✌️


Hello from “sunny-not sunny-cold-rainy-windy-hey here comes the sun again!” Melbourne, Austraya.


Hi from the southwest of Germany 😘


Hello vom grey and cold Vienna, Austria ;-)


Hi Amanda, hi everyone, I'm from Saxonia, Chemnitz, Germany at the moment and got to your patreon over bandcamp (fantastic site). I am reading your "art of asking" and it delights me every fucking day. I thought My life was Chaotic! But in comparison... Comparisons suck. I laughed a lot about your mentioning of Regensburg as a little sleepy town. My friend lived in this lively big city (for German standards) and I studied in Heidelberg, but am home to many corners in Germany from coast to mountains (which is the most extreme geographical opposition in Germany possible). 5 moves around in 3 years with 3 love-for-life-relationships. Hell yeah.


Your music and writing about the worth of art is healing to me. I consider myself a dot-connector in teaching, poetry, music and love. What you write about the ukulele is also true for the bodhran. I couldn't play the piano anymore due to perfectionism, shame and frustration. But a bit of wood and fur is painfully easy to play, easy to transport to every summer vacation for playalongs with my guitarist-friends and holy fuck thebodiely feeling of playing a drum clutched to your chest can be nearly orgasmic


Those photos are amazing! Love love love. I’m writing from a motel in in nowhere land called Santa Clarita , California. I’m lucky indeed to have this motel. About 5 days ago I walked out of my sober living not knowing where I was going to end up. No money… no food.. the clothes on my back. Just left. I couldn’t take the restriction anymore. Thank heavens for homelessness services aka 211 .. they were able to get me a motel voucher for 8 days. So I’m safe.. roof shower bed 😍 On Wednesday I’m going into treatment for drug addiction.. wish me luck that I see it through and don’t get any wild hairs to bolt again . Love ya


Kingston, Ontario. Displaced American up here, growing mushrooms and raising a couple of little women. Reading, writing, playing music, and growing stuff. We don't hom-school -- we study together: anthropology, philosophy, literature, history, science. Domestic arts and Knowing Thyself. Arithmetic for measuring life and drafting dreams. We worship trees and water, and ponder our souls. I am 46.


I don’t know why it has taken me so long to sign up here! So excited to be part of this community. I live in New Hampshire, just getting back from an amazing trip to Northern Italy to visit my daughter. So hard having her 1000s of miles away, but happy and proud of her growing into an amazing young woman!


I heard Coin Operated Boy sometime in the early aughts and was hooked. Sorry for my belated foray into Patreon. I live in VT. My phone persistently wants to correct “live” to “love.” Even just then. I suppose there is some truth to that—thanks, little robot thing. It’s been rough this past week, but I’ll be alright.