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Kia Ora Aoteroa Patron Whānau!!

Greetings from down here. I'm scrambling, and enjoying it, and reeling in comfort and gratitude from your responses to the last post. I fucking love patronage and I love you and I love feeling safe enough to make unsafe art.

You have my back and I really feel it. 

This is everything to me.  


Everybody else on the globe can basically ignore this, or just read it and get grumpy that you're not in New Zealand with us.

I've got a rental house for the week again here on Waiheke Island, and I'd love to invite any patrons over for a ukulele strum and a chin wag on …

SUNDAY, JAN 15th from 2-4pm - this is the day of the Waiheke Artworks Theater Fundraiser!!! (which is very sold out, hooray).

Bring a snack to share if you can, but no biggie. We'll sit and chat and mingle and I'd love to have a chat with you all about All Things Kiwi and patreon, I've missed doing this sort of thing.

I don't have a piano handy, but I can play a new song on uke :)

IF YOU CAN COME, PLEASE RSVP. I'll send the address via post on the morning of - and if there's too many people to fit in the house and the weather's fine, I might re-direct us all to the beach....

Don't worry. I'll give you really clear directions, and I'll email the address by around 10am, it's in downtown Onera, which is TINY. about a 15 min walk from the passenger ferry! Here are the Auckland-Waiheke Ferry times.


There's a 12, 12:30 and a 1pm from Auckland to Waiheke that'll get you there with plenty of time. 



See and hug many of you on Sunday,

Let’s enjoy this while we can.





HAVE FUN!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I clicked the 'taunted' option but don't really want you to stop. I can't make any of the American events either :D Keep on doing the things!

Molly McEnerney

I handed my phone to my dad to show him an email from a contractor that did some work on his house. When I came back into the room and asked if he was finished with my phone, he said "In a minute - I'm reading about her music." I looked to see what the heck he was talking about, and saw that he was absorbed in this email, even though he had no idea who you are or what Patreon is! I just spent the last few minutes trying to explain that you are a musician, but also sometimes a statue, and some people only know about you because of the way you talk about crowdfunding, and that you are from New York, but actually sort of Boston, but now sometimes New Zealand, and one time you went to Cuba and just made sure a bunch of artists got paid to make art.


Not taunting at all. I like to think of it as a tease, making me think of similar gatherings in other stops

Len Tower Jr.

Molly, And you have barely scratched the surface of Amanda's career. You might find a good interview for your Dad. -Len


enjoy yourselves! ♥️

Thomas Herlofsen

All the love. Keep taunting us from Woodstock, New Zealand, everywhere. Just be happy ❤️


Ohhh I just moved to NZ (Auckland) with my partner this week and don't know anyone here. this is definitely the best timing ever 😍 See you tomorrow ❤️


Yes, I can make it. See you tomorrow!


Is there an address?


Have fun!! :)