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Hello loves

Greetings from Auckland. I’ve missed it here. I really have.

This is me, earlier today, at the Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, in front of Diego’s painting of Cristina Kahlo, Frida’s sister, who he fucked.

We all love this story, don’t we.

A self-obsessed philandering artist betrays his artist wife by fucking everything that moves, including her younger sister.


Frida has a bunch of miscarriages. She loses a foot. Her life is already a bitch. She’s pissed about him fucking her sister. So she divorces him.

But then…well, it’s complicated. She’s sick, dying, in love, in need. She fucks some other people and then she remarries him. Why not? Then she dies. Then he dies.

Right before covid hit, I got to see the Frida exhibit at the V&A in London, while I was on the tour that involved ripping my heart out every night and telling thousands of people about my abortions, my miscarriage, my experiences with sexual assault and compassion.

Frida did it.

Frida got it.

Art through the pain or die.

Draw your agony or get drawn and quartered yourself. Let men squirm uncomfortably as they try, relentlessly, to shame you for sharing the truth. Enjoy yourself before your short time on earth is over. Find love wherever.

So many women I know - especially ones I’ve met lately, perhaps it’s the laws of attraction - have had to stand gracefully in the fire and ice of horrific betrayal. What they choose to do, some of these women, is awe-inspiring.

Some Collapse, some go Full Frida.

Frida reminds us.

Give it back, this pain, do not let it eat you alive. YOU, you have to eat the pain. With whipped cream. With a cigarette. With a lover. Decorate and salt as needed.

Eat the pain and send it back into the universe as love, as art, as poetry.

I love looking at men looking at Frida.

She stares back, even though she’s dead.

A hard stare.

She says: Fuck all of your ideas about me.

She says: my husband fucked my little sister and I dealt with it and just did what I needed to do.

She says: my paintings are so powerful they have been made into shower curtains where people sit in their fucking bathrooms and stare at the majesty of my art.

She says:

Whatever, dude.

I have survived.






You know Frida would've hated the commodification of her image, hated so much about the way people have profited off of her pain. But I do see a commonality between your art and hers, and it's nice to read someone who seems to get that rawness without turning it into iconography.

Nicole Ives

Amen to that 👍


<p style="color: #008600;">Thanks for this posting. The story is incredible. She is a very strong and intelligent woman and I love all her work....</p>


Woah. exhale. deep. yes. praise. namaste' xx


Frida Totally got it and I have gone full Frida. Sometimes it's necessary to take that pain and transform it into something magical.

James Cowie

I think I saw the same touring Frida exhibition when it got to NGV last year (2022) Her work is something no photograph/image ever quite captures. Just a week ago,after I performed one of her poems to a packed pub I was telling someone who knew her artwork but nothing about poetry, writing or her life and politics afterwards about the sister fucking ... and making comparisons with figures from pornhub and sister/brother fucking from Nordic myth

Laura Morland

P.S. I used to be quite steeped in Nordic mythology -- please remind me, which are the incestuous gods?

James Cowie

I've edited to make it clearer I wasn't talking about fucking your brother or your sister but their husband or wife or as in Frida's case her husband fucking her sister ...etc

James Cowie

If you live in Melbourne Australia you can be "Poetic Licence" every second Wednesday.

And Steiner

Although this entry was short Amanda I found it powerful. These things you wrote had particular impact on me: "Art through pain or die..." To me this is a competent reminder of what I can choose to do with my pain or what it can choose to do to me. Art; FUCKING ART. "Draw your agony or get drawn and quartered yourself." Rip that fucking bandaid OFF gurl!!! "Let men squirm uncomfortably as they try relentlessly to Shame you for sharing your truth." This is so pertinent to what I'm going through. My, male, doctor, has restricted my access to life-sustaining medication unless I obey him. I have some allies showing up in my team meeting next week and some choice questions to ask. Squirming expected. Squirming welcomed. Squirming EARNED! "Full Frida". Um YES! Can I add a teensy weensy word; FUCKING. "FULL FUCKING FRIDA!" "Hate."


Favorite Frida quote: “I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards learned how to swim…”


Hello! First time ever commenting on this dear Patreon space. Thanks for creating this Amanda. Won't take it for granted. Trying to be - truly be , a participant and not a spectator. - in beautiful communities. Thank Goddess for the internet! This post brought me this sweet sentiment about the whole life journey. It's Synchronistic or coincidence that I'm wearing her image on this bright red poncho my mama gifted me . Last year was the first time I've ever moved out of home, lived with a partner, been pregnant and then the first time I terminated a pregnancy as well. It's odd because we just keep on moving forward with our wounds unless we consciously decide to heal. Voicemail for Jill and your Couch interviews have been a source of strength too Amanda. We - Perhaps I , too- need to share our wounded stories . I know it's a wound because i'm crying as I type. Full Frida is a blessing. Her story gives many of us courage and she knows her power. This is how I want to be about my story. This is how I want to show up for my art and my life. Thanks again for sharing! Thanks for bringing us awe.


Awe inspiring. Sometimes we need these references for perspective.


"art through pain or die" hit me somewhere deep. I get it. Thank you for this.


I love Frida and I love this post!